Thursday, November 7, 2024

A New Project

Somehow with all my newfound desire to paint, I have created a new project for me to tackle. As I was painting today, I realized that the color wheel I remembered from kindergarten isn't quite enough for what I'm doing now. I'm going to have to make a color chart. 

Granted, this isn't quite farm-related yet, but stick with me. Yellow and blue make green. Primary colors, easy. Green and white make a soft green while green and black make like a forest green. Ok yeah, but then you get into adding a little more yellow to the green and then it becomes a spring green. Add a little more blue to the green and you get a dark teal. Add white to the dark teal to get a lighter teal. It just goes on and on. So when you're trying to remember how to get one shade, you got to remember the mixture. Hence, my next project is to make a chart. 

Now, to tie it into the farm for those who read about the animals. Chickens lay different color eggs. We've got light brown, medium brown and blue egg layers, but our chickens are red, black with white, and all black respectively. They will always lay the same color eggs regardless of how much sunlight or what they eat. But, you will get brighter yolk colors if they have a diet rich in protein. The more you know. Have a great weekend! 

S'mores with her candy bar kids