Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Pasty Butt

I learn something new everyday. Especially on the farm. Today, I learned one of my chicks has a case of pasty butt. According to online, sometimes chicks plug up their hole and get extremely bloated. I'm hoping we caught it in time! I feel bad for her, she was waddling around like she had a two by four up there. Rob unplugged it and tomorrow we're hoping she'll be all better. 

Different things can cause pasty butt, but I'm thinking it's the extreme temperature changes we've had the last couple of days that did it. Ninety degrees one day dropped down to rainy and cool the next. She doesn't have all her feathers yet, once she does this won't be a problem. 

Rob also saw the first snake of the season on the farm today. It was a grass snake which is funny because we don't have any grass. I'm petrified of snakes, but like my pasty butt girl, I'm hoping to get past that. 😊