Monday, March 28, 2022

Well Well Well

One thing about living on a farm, you've got to have a well. We were fortunate to already have a plumbed well on the land, but now we're seeing some unpleasant issues. At first, we were getting brownish water that smelled of copper. Imagine bathing yourself in pennies. Trust me, it can be worse. 

Two weeks ago, we noticed a slight off smell starting to appear. It only happened when we showered, and more robust when I showered which made us believe the RV's water tank needed to be flushed out. I'm the one that takes hotter showers and our thinking was it was the water heater needing a little spring cleaning. We may have been half right, it really didn't matter. After cleaning out the water heater and then later filling up the goats water from a totally different faucet we realized, it's our well. 

In the two weeks we've been waiting for the well people to service us (we're out a ways and they're doing the best they can) the smell has taken on a thousand century-old rotten eggs. You cannot fathom the amount of odor these water molecules can produce! Now, we shower when we absolutely must and we don vapor rub on our nostrils, use cold water, and bathe like we're in an Olympic sport. The smell doesn't linger on us, thank goodness, but don't get too close just in case. 😊