Tuesday, June 25, 2024


One of our latest cows, Josie, the mini-longhorn zebu mix has good lungs, looks the part of a wild one, but it's getting to be a sweetheart. 

I spent time brushing all the Highlands that I could get to, but Josie was looking at me like she wanted some attention as well. The brush I use for the Highlands isn't good for the short haired, so instead I grabbed some grain and headed her way. She ate out of my hand! That's two out of the three new ones, but Valentina is still young and timid. 

Flora is still my favorite to brush. She's got the most hair and absolute loves the attention. However, Coorie surprised me by finally allowing me to brush her tail tonight! They are just awesome and I love them all. 

Monday, June 24, 2024

Somewhat Back

I'm somewhat back to work, but I took an easy day today. I handled what had to be done and then started my VR world. The most difficult is going to be doing the VR without freaking out the animals! 

It's a pretty cool little system. Not only does it encompass your sight, but it has sound as well. I learned how to function the controls today and tomorrow, I'll hopefully be playing a game. I guarantee you, this is exercise. I'm standing the entire time, sometimes dancing, sometimes climbing, etc. If I do an hour a day of this, I bet my arms alone will get in shape. Regardless, it's fun. 

What's really neat, is I can cast it to the TV so Rob can watch what I'm doing. 

All this before my new sheep come to the farm! Either Friday or Saturday, we'll be picking up Ewenique and Bewety. Look at their faces! 


Sunday, June 23, 2024

My Birthday!

It's my birthday and I had a great day! Slept in and then went for food at our usual Sunday spot. Then Rob and I played some video games before we took some friends of ours to an escape room. Y'all, we escaped! 

Afterwards, we went to eat at Razzoo's and I actually ate alligator. It was pretty good! The Creole style pork chops with queso on top was even better though. 

Next, more games at the nearby cinema where they have VR. I had never done virtual reality and I loved it. I came home for cake and presents and y'all I got a VR system! It was such a great day, thank everyone for helping me celebrate. 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Chamber Thursday

Well, as soon as I finish up all the website stuff, I can make the Chamber officially open! Got the board approval tonight, all the ducks are in a row, all that's left is getting the website finished with a usable format to enroll online. It can be done. It will be done. 

Tomorrow, it's the first of the Farmer's Market. I know there will be a lot to finesse to get it going, but I think the woman who's running it with me and I will make it work. It'll be hot, but it'll be fun. 

But after all that, I think I'm going to spend some time on the farm. Get in the pool, love on my animals, and just relax. I think I've earned it. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Small Town Fun

I'm truly enjoying living in a small town. Once you get established, you become part of the routine. There are gossip and rumors you have to contend with, but overall, it's supremely laid back and fun. It's not for everyone, but it's definitely for me. 

I mean, where else can you stop by and know all about why traffic was diverted on the highway? Or literally stop your car in the middle of the road and just chat with someone walking and no one bats an eye? My favorite, when the cops are called because some form of livestock is loose. It's just great! 

I highly recommend moving out of the city and finding somewhere that makes you happy. Life's too short as they say. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The Blob

Supposedly sometime this week, we're going to experience a "Tropical Blob". Never in my life have I actually experienced a "blob", so I'm not sure what to expect. When I hear it, I instantly think of slime, but others just tell me it's going to be rain. Maybe slimy rain? 

All I know is come rain or shine, there's always something to do. Here I am past midnight writing the blog when I would have still been on the phone if the cell tower hadn't gone out. Yes, other people besides me are up past midnight, don't be surprised. I actually think that's when my brain is the sharpest. 

For now though, I'm going to go curl up in bed with my animals and read a nice book. I've earned it! 

Mango looking all cute (and wary of Kenzie)

Monday, June 17, 2024

Farmer's Market

One of the new things I've helped institute for the city is having a weekly Farmer's Market on Friday nights. A woman in town is handling the actual running of the event, while I'm in charge of the social media, emails and getting in vendors and food trucks. It's funny for two reasons. 

The first is the obvious. I'm not a farmer. I can't make anything grow if it doesn't have a heartbeat. I think the term is that I've got a black thumb? All I know is it's definitely not a green thumb. 

The other funny thing is I'm handling so much social media these days, I keep having to double check that I'm on the correct account. I think I'm managing seven and then my personal account. It's fun, but it's confusing! People are probably going to start thinking I'm a bot.