Thursday, January 30, 2025


Well last night we got rain. Not just a light shower. Not even just one heavy shower. Nope, a deluge of rain that created rivers in our pastures we've never had before. I don't know how much rain total we personally got, but I know it was several inches. 

If you've ever had the delight of the aroma of wet dog smell, you don't know that wet cow smell is even more potent. It had been awhile since our cows went through rain. While they look brighter, the smell is something to be avoided. All I know though, is it put Brogan in a frisky mood with Maesie today! I already knew he smelled bad, I guess she complimented him today. 

The parents of the puppies got the all clear on hip dysplaysia today at the vet, so now we just await the health panel kit we have to do by sending to the lab. Then there will be absolutely no reason these absolutely gorgeous and so well mannered puppies don't find good homes! 

Brogan and Maesie

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Oh Oreo

We've got to get our sweet billy to a new home! Spice Girl just had twins this afternoon and we're running out of room. Our does and us are tired of kids. But I just can't think about sending them to the butcher. 

It's a rainy, soggy mess of a day as well. So all goats and sheep are in the barn. The donkeys claimed the lean to, and the cows are just acting like it's a normal day. 

Here's hoping we find a good home for Oreo, and quickly! 

Quick pic of the new kids before we separated them and Mom to a new area

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Ten Weeks

The puppies are ten weeks old today! Five of them really have the potty training down. Four still have accidents here and there, but those accidents are becoming rarer. I never thought I could potty train nine puppies at one time, but it's happening! 

They love the daily walks. I do it at least four times a day. If I'm up late enough at night, I'll give them an extra one if they're still too hyper. I try not to make the last evening one a regular thing though, because I want them to get used to the schedule for their bathroom needs. 

My favorite part is how they always want to play with their donkey and cow friends. Both sets play with them each one time a day, but the puppies would prefer it all the time. I just don't have it in me to keep track of nine with the livestock at the same time! 

The cows are resting no matter how much the puppies begged for them to play

Monday, January 27, 2025


Lately I haven't seen the sun in the sky. Usually, I'm ok with that, but if it's not going to rain, then can we have some sun? The puppies are so young I'm beginning to think they've forgotten a sun exists. 

Regardless, all the animals are doing well. I saw Rory and Dandy playing with each other which was comical. For the first half, they played for team Rory (bovine style). Light head butting where they each try to win the imagined line like tug of war. Then, they switched to team Dandy (donkey style). This is where they kept circling each other lightly biting each other's rear end. They both were having fun, that's all that matters. 

Lastly, Teddy got to circle the cows today in some training. I'm working on his release call to get him to return once I decide the cows are positioned, not when he decides. He's pretty good at it, but he still needs work, especially with the youngest, Coinneach, who is still nursing while sometimes eating. 

Best action shot I could get, they move fast!

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Walking Time

For days like today, overcast and cold, I still make it a point to give the puppies fresh air and exercise. I've enclosed the best picture of how I do things. 

All nine puppies know the path to take. Some go ahead of me, some try to trip me still, and two are usually getting caught up sniffing something and usually bolt from behind during check-ins. 

At the turns of the path, I always stop to do a head count. If anyone is missing, I yell "Baby, come!" and they come running up to me. Usually on my walks, I have the adult pups with me to help corral them, but there are times I take them solo. The nighttime walk with the lantern still confuses them and ALL puppies stay right at my feet during that very slow walk. 

I'm not advertising the puppies for the next couple of weeks until all the parents tests are done. At the end of this week though, I'll be switching to a once a week blog on the new website. Have a great week! 

Thursday, January 23, 2025

The Girls

As there are five girl puppies left, there is still plenty of personality to go around! We've got Alice that has a playful streak. She kinda keeps up with the other girls, but truthfully likes the guys more. You'll usually see her with either Mike or Greg. 

Carol is always floating around excited about everything. There's a stick! There's a toy! There's food! You get the idea. 

Carol and Jan are always together. Sometimes they get in trouble together (puppy trouble like trying to be the last ones inside, nothing serious). They also talk to each other. Not quite barking, more like a muttering sound. 

Marcia is somewhat true to her moniker. Sometimes she's the responsible one, sometimes she's the dreamy one. She's incredibly smart and senses what direction you'd like her to go when walking. I don't use leashes (can you imagine the knot I'd have with nine?!). 

And then the sweetheart, Cindy. She looks at you with her precious eyes and you just want to scoop her up. She loves snuggles and kisses. Honestly, all of them love snuggles and kisses! 

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Great Outdoors

Finally! It was warm enough to let all the puppies and pups out today. All thirteen played together quite well for a good long time. Once everyone had enough free play, that got some outdoor kennel time before being let out to play again. 

Here's what I've noticed about the puppies. I'll use the Tootsie Bunch names for clarity. Greg is the scout. He explores first out of all his litter. Whether it's a new area or a new scent, he's first. Peter is the runner and sitter. I know that doesn't make sense, but he runs the fastest and then he sits so still, it's quite impressive. Mike is the most like his mama. He's a sweetheart who's just happy wherever he is. He'll play with everyone and somehow, he's also the one who finds the most burrs. Lastly, Bobby. He's the runt of the litter and just loves to hang out with the elders (human or animal). He's still tiny compared to the others, but he's growing healthily. He's the one you want to stash in your pocket when you need a pick me up. I've got an incredible soft spot for him. 

Tomorrow I'll try to analyze the girls. It's amazing how different they all are, but all still wonderful. 
