Wednesday, January 1, 2025

New Year's

It's been a gorgeous day today. The puppies got some outdoor time, the cows were frisky, and the goats did their puffer coat thing again tonight. They puff out their fur like puffer fish to keep warm. It doubles the size of them and they look adorable. 

The sheep are loving this weather, but I also know I might have to break the rules and shear a little bit around their eyes before I'm supposed to in March for the regular shearing. At least for Bewety. She can barely see! She's starting to use Ewenique like her seeing eye friend. 

The donkeys are the only ones that don't seem to care either way about the weather. They're just happy it's not raining. Even though we could always use the rain! 

Before I brought them back in, but it shows how big they're getting!