Sunday, January 26, 2025

Walking Time

For days like today, overcast and cold, I still make it a point to give the puppies fresh air and exercise. I've enclosed the best picture of how I do things. 

All nine puppies know the path to take. Some go ahead of me, some try to trip me still, and two are usually getting caught up sniffing something and usually bolt from behind during check-ins. 

At the turns of the path, I always stop to do a head count. If anyone is missing, I yell "Baby, come!" and they come running up to me. Usually on my walks, I have the adult pups with me to help corral them, but there are times I take them solo. The nighttime walk with the lantern still confuses them and ALL puppies stay right at my feet during that very slow walk. 

I'm not advertising the puppies for the next couple of weeks until all the parents tests are done. At the end of this week though, I'll be switching to a once a week blog on the new website. Have a great week!