Sunday, May 1, 2022

An Aviary

I'm a dreamer. I thought building a great aviary would be simple, magical, and safe for all my feathered friends. Sigh, nope. 

The metal part of the aviary was easy, no question. Of course, the instructional pictures without words weren't helpful, but we could intuit what to do. Putting the chicken wire around the cage was a different issue and we did the best we could. We planted a couple of barberry bushes, loaded up the chicken chateau and quail cage and got all the birds together. Then, we went out for dinner and came back to tragedy. 

Turns out, my sweet little chickens are monsters. They were nearly pecking my quail to death. Two have wounds on their back that look dreadful, but hopefully not fatal. As darkness was fast approaching, it was easier to get the five quail back to safety in their cage and in the barn. Early this week though, the aviary will be solely theirs and the chickens will go back to the barn and free range. Wait until the guinea hens we ordered get here!

pictured with everything except the tarp we added after