Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Don't Mind Me

If you're wondering how long it takes for any furry animal to learn that a special cupboard holds treats, it's less than 24 hours. I keep all the treats for the goats, donkeys and cow locked away in a cabinet none of them can get into - well Fiona could if she rammed it, but she won't. Anyhow, all I have to do to get everyone ready for bed is to open that cupboard. All the hooves start rumbling into the barn and all the chickens run out scared they'll be trampled on. 

First, Fiona gets her cattle cubes. This isn't really a treat as she needs that as extra feed, but the donkeys cannot get it, so I hand feed it to Fiona. She even allowed me to pet her some while I fed her. You'll notice from the pics, others were thinking they were missing out during this time. 

Once all the animals were either inside or outside the barn determined by their assigned sleeping places, we closed the gate and I went into the goats stall to give them their treats. I sat down on my chair and soon, I had eight mouths begging for goat treats. I only have five goats. Yep, Fiona and the donkeys came into the stall as well. Oh boy!

It took a bit of prodding, but soon everyone got all their designated treats in all their designated places. I got lots of love and petting time. I'm so happy! 

PS Don't mind me in the pic please. It's hot and the benefit of farm life is not caring how you look!