We've lived here on our farm and in our RV for ten months now. I don't recommend this style of living for anyone and who knows when the end is for us? Here's some things I won't miss:
1. The smells. Just so many smells and none of them pleasant.
2. The inability to stretch. Rob and I are tall and I can't sit up in bed without bumping my head, we can't stretch inside without hitting walls and ceilings, etc.
3. No bathtub and one very tiny shower. There are parts of me I'm not sure have been adequately cleaned in ten months!
4. Not really a kitchen. Forget baking, making an entree with a hot side, or anything like that. Not going to happen.
5. No closets. We have something that is called a closet, but only toddler clothing could fit in there.
6. The elements. You feel every temperature change, you get to rocking with the winds, good times.
7. No privacy. I learned I mutter rude things under my breath to Rob which used to go unnoticed. Oops.
8. No comfortable furniture. This goes with us being tall people, but geez the furniture in these things are reminiscent of school bus seats.
9. No ceiling fans. Fifth wheels have these. Should have gotten a fifth wheel.
10. ........
You know what, I should stop now. This is just getting me more depressed. I could also go on forever. Bring on the barndo, I'm more than ready!