Sunday, December 25, 2022

To All A Goodnight

Merry Christmas everyone! Every day is an adventure for us and some adventures are better than others. As I mentioned in the last blog, we lost water almost immediately when the cold front came in. Well, it fractured the pump and who knows when we'll get water again. This is why I tried to have the well house built in time. Nothing we can do about it now. 

Fortunately, we have a Gator in our lives. He came today and delivered water to our animals. We had been doing our best with gallon jugs, but Fiona alone drinks a bunch. All the animals are doing well now and for that, I'm eternally grateful. 

I missed so much about Christmas and the traditions I hold dear, but there's always next year. For this year, I'm content with the friendships I have, the family I love, and of course, all my beautiful animals.