Sunday, December 18, 2022

First Kiss

As we're preparing for an Arctic blast, my animals are doing anything but giving me the cold shoulder. Tonight, all the animals got some fresh pine shavings, which was a first for Brogan. All the other animals knew about the stuff helping them keep warm, but he was highly confused as to why it suddenly smelled like a pine forest in the barn. The goats frolicked like it was fresh snow. Meanwhile, Patches and Fancy got spooked when Rob tore open the plastic bag of the shavings near them. I had to stay behind and calm them, but that's what a mama does. 

The biggest shock of the night though was Flora giving me her first kiss! Granted I tricked her with a treat, but she enjoyed how happy I was from the affection. She even let me give her extra cuddling tonight and to pick out a burr matted in her fur I've been working on for a couple of days. I might not be the best farmer or rancher, but by golly I'm really good with animals! 

Also, I'm trying to take Christmas pics of my animals. I've only gotten two so far, so enjoy the first one of Flora.