This weekend, it was time to hose the cows down with fly spray again. Normally, we wait until they're in their stall where they can't run away. Since the summer heat keeps continuing, they don't use the stall as they prefer sleeping under the stars. So, Rob and I hitched up our Kawasaki mule, put a spray bottle each in our hands and went after the task cowboy style. The only rules to this game is to not hit them in the face. Remember that.
Coorie, Flora and Maesie gave us no problems. Brogan, not the brightest bull yet, kept looking up thinking it was rain. Fiona made us chase her quite a bit. But CiarĂ¡n, she kept facing us. Yep, she knew we wouldn't hit her that way. She took a little maneuvering with Rob and I flanking her on foot. Can you even believe she tried to use her baby Callie (who wasn't getting treated because of her age) as a shield?! We kept at it though and got it done. Now, after the fact of course, she's thrilled the flies aren't landing on her.