First, everyone knows someone who knows the one you mean. You watch what you say, you watch what you do and you'll be alright. Some will say you're doing it wrong, but that's alright. You just stay polite and nod your head and go about your business.
Second, anything out of the norm will bring out the rumors. Clear a lot of land? People will think you've sold to a developer. Go to a Meet the Teacher without your significant other? There must be marital discord afoot. It's best if you just let someone know what you're about to do and why to get ahead of the game.
But jokes aside, everyone in town looks out for one another. A random cow loose on the county road? Within an hour, the owner will have been notified and the cow safely back in its fence. Not only that, but the spot of fence where she got out will be repaired because that's just the thing to do. It's right and proper. Everyone would be lucky to live in a small town!