Thursday, September 21, 2023


Of all, and I mean all, of our animals, Mango is the one who requires the least bit of attention. He's happiest when he's found a tiny hidey-hole where no one knows where he's at. On his more active days, he can be found literally climbing the walls and testing out the highest heights of the house. You'll have had to be a guest several times at our house to catch a glimpse of Mango. He's not shy, he just decides when to make the first contact. 

Speaking of contact, Mango prefers solo time with either Rob or me. He will either go to Rob for petting and I'm supposed to not notice he's there, or he'll come to me and Rob can't look in my direction. It's just what he prefers and it seems like a reasonable enough request. It's quality time, not quantity time. 

Lastly, he is the animal who needs to be brushed the most, but hates being brushed. If there are tangles, we have to hold him down and take his wrath (claws) to get them out. Otherwise, the hands of his human pets can remove any loose hair. Have a great weekend!