Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Cattle Auction

So Rob and I decided to take in the last cattle auction of the year to see what it was all about. We wanted to learn how it works and see what cows come through. Well, we saw what cows come through, but we have little to no idea how it works. 

First off, yes it's an auction, but I truly didn't believe it was going to be the fast talking auction. Numbers were flying and switching between per head and per pound. When a guy bought a cow for 3, I wanted to ask him 3 what? $300? $3000? $3 per pound? He seemed happy with the price whatever it was. 

Then, the price per pound when the numbers on the screen definitely didn't match up to a weight. Maybe I'm wrong, I've lied about my weight so much, maybe that behemoth of a steer really was only 456 pounds. It sure wasn't his tag number. He was huge! He made Fiona look like a toy version in comparison. 

I'm sure all the guys in the arena enjoyed when I'd aww at the cute ones. I can't help it! But don't worry, I didn't take any cows home with me. I wouldn't know how much they were anyway!

This wasn't the big guy, I just lived the markings on this one