Thursday, December 28, 2023

Conspiracy Theory

I like to hear about conspiracy theories, especially as facts have been rewritten often in my lifetime. I'm still calling Pluto a planet by the way. Anyway, I've got my own I'm creating tonight. This is just for fun, please don't get knickers in a knot. 

My theory is about erosion. There's beliefs out there that fracking, climate change, things of that nature are responsible for the sandy beaches disappearing. Here's my theory though. I believe there are a lot of dog owners at the beaches with their pups. Those pups squirrel it away in their fur and paws and deposit it inside residences. Then people vacuum it up, essentially sifting it into a fine powder which makes it look less by volume. I'll explain my reasoning for this theory. 

My pups bring in dirt mounds like they are building their own indoor mountains. I vacuum all those mounds up, pretty much daily, and then dump it. The mounds begin huge in size, but the vacuum sifts it into this baby fine powder. I'm thinking we've already become one foot closer to sea level just this past week with how much I've sifted through. So that's my theory it's because we love dogs and frankly, I'm not going to apologize for that.