Thursday, December 14, 2023

Fattened Calf

For most things, the other cows have been great with Rose. With feeding though, that's when their horns and size have the advantage. One issue is we need a different system of troughs now that everyone's horns are bigger. The other, well Rose needs to be fed separately for awhile just to make sure she's getting enough. 

Now don't get the confused, even though it's confusing. The only time we're going to have to separate her is with the mineral feeding with grain. The spent malt we're getting gives them almost everything, but it's weak on calcium. So we give grain about twice a week with the minerals in it to make sure everyone is healthy. We tried the block version but no one liked that, they prefer the loose minerals. If we see anyone is getting too fat, then we'll cut back. So far, no one is complaining. 

Back to Rose. She's still uncertain of us, but she knows what the buckets mean. We took a very slow walk to the pen where's she's happily eating now, safe from the others. Well, she wasn't safe from my taking pics and trying to pet her. She got a soft kick on me, but I'll still take it as a win.