Thursday, August 29, 2024

Speed Humps

As the weekend is coming up, I'm slowing down for that last little speed hump. I slept late this morning and took a nap this afternoon, but I still feel tired. So when my body says to rest (and I ask multiple times if it is sure), then I rest. 

I need to be fully prepared tomorrow because I've been asked to take part in a documentary about green solutions. Specifically, about wind turbines. I know they are everywhere in Texas, but other than the eyesore they offer, I haven't noticed any benefit from them. Yes, somehow I've been asked to do interesting things and I'm loving it! 

Have a great start to the weekend as it's a holiday weekend. The only labor I want to see happen on Monday is Flora delivering a calf. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Podcast Wednesday

Today, I was invited to be on a podcast. It was a neat experience! Rebekah and I just sat and talked about how the things I'm doing and a little about the way I am the way I am. It was completely low key and went smoothly. 

Will I ever set up my own podcast? No, probably not. I'm a visually dynamic person that I don't think always comes across solely in spoken form. Meaning, I talk with my hands a lot because sometimes I don't speak words well lol. Without even hearing the finished work yet - will probably air Monday - I already know I said "right", "exactly", and I probably uhhed and uh huh'd several times. 

It was a new adventure and one that didn't kill me. Off to tomorrow's adventure! 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Goofing Around

Sometimes when the stress starts to bubble up in a negative way, I have to take some time with my animals. Some of my friends are going through their own things and while I help as much as I can, I can't solve all the problems and I know that. 

Anyway, with the nicer temps, it was great going out and spending some time with everyone. The biggest surprise was Rose let me pet her! The best time though was selfies with Dandy. He's gotten to be so much of a ham that I got some great shots. Enjoy and I'll share another adventure tomorrow! 

Monday, August 26, 2024

Cooler Temp, Faster Speed

You get me days like today where it wasn't blistering hot and I get a lot more done! I visited with eight different groups of people today and went through a shorter (thankfully) City Council meeting. Monday is complete and I've earned $100 for the theater, gained a potential Chamber member, and started the ball rolling on a new project. Not too shabby! 

While I was away, the Rob did play. Well, he took it upon himself to travel an hour away to support the Junior High Volleyball team. We know a couple of the kids on the team, so it's great to be able to support them. 

All the animals are well and hopefully we get our air conditioner repaired soon! 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Interesting Weekend

Lots of drama in our sleepy little town, but I'm trying to stay out of it to the best of my ability. It's difficult when I'm involved in so many things. I'm not going to share the drama (unless it's on stage), so I'll just share the fun! 

Our surface on the sun farmer's market went well on Friday. We're challenged with away football games, but we still have a healthy following. It's fun to get together, but if we have another one that's over 105⁰, you can count me out. I have my limits. 

Friday night, we had a quick but tumultuous shower that fried one of our air conditioners, but hopefully that'll be fixed this week. Again, I have my limits. 

Today though, I did my best to rest and relax. This week is another just week, but I'm going to try some new things as well. Stay tuned and have a great start to the week! 

My Brogan is just a sweetheart. A smelly sweetheart. 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Busy Thursday

Another busy day and a chockfull weekend ahead! I did get a few hours this afternoon to relax, so that was good. It would have been better if it wasn't the hottest day on record, but whatever. 

Here's the thing people don't get though, I'm happy. I'm not working for "the man", instead I'm working for me and my friends. My community. Are their frustrations? Sure, nothing's perfect, but I'm clever enough to blaze my own path and see what happens. I'm more energized than I've probably ever been before in my life and luckily, I'm juggling all the balls well. I don't care if I sound like I'm tooting my own horn, it's my horn to toot!

Have a fabulous weekend everyone and if you're sitting on some cooler temps or rain, please share. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Busy Wednesday

Are y'all getting the theme of this week yet? Here things were supposed to get slower for me after the play and I'm not seeing that happening. It's ok, there's always tomorrow. 

I did manage to spend some time with my animals today. I even got to pet my squatter rabbit today! It's technically my neighbor's rabbit, but Bugs likes to hang out here. So soft to pet! Beautiful white fur, but I don't dig the red eyes. 

But, I started planning a vacation today! There's light at the end of the tunnel, just have to dig some more first. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Busy Tuesday

Oops, I did it again. I went, went, went and did, did, did. It's not my fault, I was needed. 

However, tomorrow I'm making myself slow down. I've got Chamber stuff I absolutely have to do and that's all there is to it. No City Hall. No going everywhere. I'm going to spend as much of the day at home getting my stuff done. I can do it, right? 

Luckily, Rob has been a tremendous help with the animals. Even though we hit the worst heat today, everyone made it through. I should get the animals a snow machine. They deserve it! 

Look at this cutie I got to hang with tonight! 

Monday, August 19, 2024

Busy Monday

Sometimes, it's just easier to list: 
Handled some Chamber stuff
Played cards with the ladies 
Gave a farm visit
Took care of some Lions Club stuff
Met about Farmer's Market 
Saw Rob briefly
Three Hour City Council meeting

That was my day. Tomorrow, I've got more stuff to do for the Chamber, some for the theater, and some for the house. I like keeping busy, thank goodness! 

Rob and the animals are doing well. However, my bed awaits! 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Party Weekend

This weekend, we got to spend a few hours with a girl who is special to us to help her celebrate her birthday. As my mother mentioned today, yes everyone is special to me, but how they're special is special. 

This girl is the granddaughter of a friend of mine who passed earlier this year. I became part of their family during the elder's final days and when they call, I answer. Luckily, this call was for a party and that's an easy yes! 

She's seventeen now and has a whole world ahead of her. She teaches me the current slang and I'm there for her if she needs me. Happy birthday to her and may this year bring her lots of laughter and happiness. 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Sweet Jewel

I've just got to brag on my Jewel a little bit. She's naturally the sweetest and most curious cow I've ever met. Everyone loves her and she's just happy to do whatever is being done. Even the donkeys and goats love her!

Yesterday, Brogan rubbed up against the gate so much, he managed to open it and all the cows got out. They all came back in with the bucket, but Jewel was just standing outside the gate grinning like she was having fun. No troubles at all getting her back in. 

Today, Brogan did it again with the goat pen. Considering kids and donkeys don't get along, this could have been disastrous, but they enjoyed meeting Jewel and hanging out with her. 

But yes, we've got to get some sort of scratching post for Brogan. He's just a mess! 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Farm Visit

We didn't do too many farm visits anymore, mainly because we're too busy, but we had one today. Miss Lori brought one of her grandchildren out and got to see all my fur babies. I'm not sure if the granddaughter loved it as much as Lori though. 

Brogan has become very adept at coming right up for loving and even picture taking. Lori hadn't turned it to selfie mode and I noticed Brogan was about to offer his help. They all know how the camera on the phones are supposed to work! If they don't see themselves, they know you're doing something wrong. 

I just wish it wasn't still so hot. My cows are even more cuddly when it's not triple digit temps. At least Lori grabbed a cute pic. She's the one on the left, Brogan on the right. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Supporting Youth

Rob did a wonderful thing tonight, he decided to help two youths in sponsoring their show pigs this year. We don't know diddly about pigs or showing animals, so in a way, we're buying our own education. Of course, we're not doing any of the hard work, that's the kids jobs. 

I don't offer this up like most people do to get credit for their donations. We give freely a lot and don't mention it. However, I'll be sharing what we learn through this process and maybe this will inspire others to do this in the future. This should make everyone happy really, for once we're involved in animals where I'm not bringing them home! 

Who knows what tomorrow will bring? 

Nutella, not a pig lol

Monday, August 12, 2024

Armchair Quarterback

I think I used the term of the title correctly? Maybe it's Monday Quarterback? I don't know, whatever the term is for the Monday debriefing after a football game. But instead of football, it's the play. 

Today, I got to relive the glory of Saturday's performance. Interviews with the press, reviewing photos taken of the performance, and comparing notes with others on what worked and what didn't. All in all, a success! Everyone loved it and people are excited for more. So of course, I had to start working on the more right away. Took in a good phone call, ordered some more scripts, and I think we might be having something come October. 

Of course, I had to staunch my own fun to sit through a three hour budget meeting at the city. I don't even City Council on that task. All the minutia of even postage having to be figured in is tedious! 

My Cameo Cast 

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Success & Happiness

Well, we did it! We had our play in front of the crowd and everyone had a great time. I've never performed in front of so many people I personally knew before. It was a wonderful experience! 

Then today, we spent some family time with Travis and his family. I'm Aunt Jen to his kids and I love them all. True to form with me holding any babies, I got spit up on, but that's ok. At least she felt better after that. 

This week will be slow, thankfully. I'll be spending time with my animals, working on the Chamber, and taking in some friend time. I'll leave the chores for Rob 😜

Oh yeah, best part about being the Aunt, I don't have to change diapers!

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Almost the Weekend

Here we go! Come Saturday, we perform Superhero Sanitarium to the masses. I love my cast, but we're all ready to perform! We need the laughter from the crowd to sustain us. 

Our show is completely sold out! I'm so thankful our town and the surrounding areas have jumped into the excitement with us. We're just going to keep growing and having fun. I'll be tickled to see how my cameos turn out in the show. I've asked some of my drama camp students to take part in the play as their debut as well. I had to be selective and couldn't grab everyone from the youth camp, but I hope everyone knows I'm proud of them all and I'll be having them in future plays. 

Y'all enjoy the weekend. Now cue the lights! 

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Meet Jewel

While we're still waiting for Flora, we've got a new delivery from a different farm in Hamilton. Meet Jewel, a two month old half belted Galloway and half Dexter. I saw her face and coloring and had to have her. She's a tiny and sweet little thing. I love her already. 

She arrived in the heat of our hottest day yet and the donkeys instantly started playing with her. She ran straight for Fiona and I think that made Fiona so happy. Now, it sort of looks like Fiona is her pseudo mom. All the other cows have made nice with get and Brogan is instantly smitten with her. In fairness, I think Brogan is easily charmed. He did allow me to brush him tonight, so at least he's trying to look presentable. 

Now we wait for the calving to start. I feel the herd is complete. Well, for now. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Still Waiting

This evening, I had Gator take a look at Flora since it's a week since I thought she would calve. Turns out, Gator doesn't really know much about bred cows haha. He's great with goats, but his guess is as good as mine when it comes to Flora. I guess it'll happen when it happens. 

Now, one thing Gator and I discussed where we were both in agreement, is that we're seeing signs of fall. For me, it's the multitude of crickets lately trying to find their way indoors. Gator says it's the look of the mesquite trees. All I know is I haven't seen the migration of butterflies yet. Once I do, then I know it's game on! 

Oh yeah, I took care of a bunch of business today. Well, actually businesses today. Anyhow, I did a lot of work. Come Sunday though, I'll be thinking of relaxing for a bit. 

Monday, August 5, 2024

She's Mine

Over four decades ago (sigh, I'm old), my parents bought this grand piano for me to play. I practiced hours a day, learned from a European man who was quite expressive and therefore spat a lot when he talked, and performed for others. See, when I was five years old, we found out that I have impressive sight reading abilities. I seen to Intuit what the notes are next. 

Well fast forward to the adult years (I'm skipping a lot because it's not a point for today), I never had a home before that could hold this piano. Until now. We built the bathroom specifically with her in mind. She's got to acclimate from moving from Colorado (my parents home) to here for a few weeks before I can get her tuned. Then, it's music time. 

I will say, I picked it right back up even after three years of not playing, but she is incredibly out of tune. I played the right notes, but who knows what she was doing! 

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Alright August

My goodness August, you've come in all crazy like. Intense heat, a random scary but short storm last night, and then intense heat again. We hear you, you're angry. Just stop punishing us, ok? 

This week is basically another theater week, but for our Superhero Sanitarium production on stage Saturday. Several rehearsals planned and the best news is that out of 100 tickets available, we only have a handful left. I think exact count is seven remaining, but they're almost gone! 

First though, I'm going to wake up early one more time tomorrow. I'll be delivering breakfast to the teachers and staff at the school to welcome them back. It's from the Chamber of Commerce and I hope I remember to take pics! 

Friday, August 2, 2024


Was supposed to write this last night, but considering I haven't slept yet, we're still good. Yes, my insomnia kicked in. Yes, I have an extremely busy day. However, Saturday I can sleep the day away! 

Thursday was the second to last day of the youth drama camp. I think I've actually taught them something. What's more, I know they had fun! I also served meals for the back to school night with my fellow Lions Club members. It is so adorable seeing all those little kids excited and ready to go. I actually knew a few of them finally. Yay me! 

I finally finished all my Thursday work with the writing of this blog. Maybe now my brain will let me sleep! Have a great weekend everyone!