Monday, August 5, 2024

She's Mine

Over four decades ago (sigh, I'm old), my parents bought this grand piano for me to play. I practiced hours a day, learned from a European man who was quite expressive and therefore spat a lot when he talked, and performed for others. See, when I was five years old, we found out that I have impressive sight reading abilities. I seen to Intuit what the notes are next. 

Well fast forward to the adult years (I'm skipping a lot because it's not a point for today), I never had a home before that could hold this piano. Until now. We built the bathroom specifically with her in mind. She's got to acclimate from moving from Colorado (my parents home) to here for a few weeks before I can get her tuned. Then, it's music time. 

I will say, I picked it right back up even after three years of not playing, but she is incredibly out of tune. I played the right notes, but who knows what she was doing!