Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Field Day

Now that Teddy is through with his worm medication and is hopefully through with worms, we decided it was time he went outside for some playtime with Reggie and Kenzie. This is the first time we've let them all three play outside without my holding onto or massively protecting Teddy in some way. Luckily, it was a great success!

Reggie took the role of big brother very seriously. Honestly, he was as over protective as I've been. Gradually, he learned to start letting Teddy explore while he was a step to the side instead of completely encasing him like a Reggie forcefield. Kenzie just looked in on him from time to time and only got protective if he started to go in the tall grass. Good girl Kenzie! All three had a great time and Teddy obediently came every time I called him. I'm so proud of all of them!

As for the barndo, all the cabinets have been painted and now the final coat for the walls needs to go on. The septic has all its pipes in the ground, but still need some connecting before it's done. The propane hole has been drained from the rainwater and hopefully the tank will go in before any new rain comes!