Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Tumultuous Tuesday

As storms are starting to brew all around us, I thought I would share about how tumultuous today has been. For Rob, not for me. 

Somehow, in the wee hours of the early morning, we had a bold and loud thunderstorm. Reggie and Kenzie needed Rob's calming touch and Teddy just needed someone to chew. Rob supposedly asked me to watch Teddy, which I said ok, and promptly went back to sleep. I don't remember this, but it does sound like something I would do if I was asleep. 

Well, we're set for another round of storms within the hour, but I'm awake and ready! My friends think I sleep all the time, but truthfully, I really don't get much sleep. I lay in bed, I read, and I ignore my phone. If my brain allows me, I'll sleep. This usually only happens when people seem to need me. People don't need me between midnight and 3am, so I get a lot of reading done. Now ya know!

Anyhow, hopefully this storm doesn't do much as we still have plenty of wet ground around here. I'm hoping for these storms a lot this August though!