Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Happy Halloween!

For the last day of October, I went as a sloth and Rob went as an employee. Meaning, while Rob had to make an appearance at his job in Austin, I took the opportunity to read and nap with the pups all around me. 

Don't fret, I did don my Halloween leggings and make an outing with Rob once he got home. It was just to the feed store, but at least it was something!

If you don't think cows are smart though, I can tell you differently. They now recognize the sound of our flatbed trailer and once we arrived home, they all were mooing like a Swiftie does whenever Taylor Swift makes an appearance. Who knew hay was so popular?

Monday, October 30, 2023

Chilly Monday

I'm not sure if it was the cold weather, the fact that Nutty is back loose in the pasture, or if it was because I neglected them last week, but my animals didn't want anything to do with me today. Normally they love for me to pet and love on them, but today, they gave me the cold shoulder. 

I try not to take it personally, but I do know I haven't spent as much time with them lately. They need brushing and treats. Don't we all?

Other than that, I've been a sloth today. All my indoor animals have taken turns sitting on my lap keeping it warm. I love all my fur babies!

Nutty is in rut. The boy is just insane!

Sunday, October 29, 2023

That's A Wrap!

After many hours of practice, Rob and I completed our first play together! Several of our friends came to watch and everyone had a great time. Out of everything, I absolutely love the new friendships we've formed through this experience. 

Everyone said how great Rob was as the villain. Most completely didn't believe he's never acted before either. I'm so proud of him!

As for me, I got lots of compliments, but one touched me the most. She said I should have been on Broadway! I had never met this woman before, so it wasn't like I paid her for this compliment. I'm not Broadway material, but I'm thrilled with where I am now. 

Thursday, October 26, 2023

After The Rain

After all the glorious rain, we were saddened to find one of Spice's does died. She was alive and well this morning, but by afternoon, she was gone. They both seemed so healthy and everyone is still healthy and well, but I guess these things happen. We're not going to do a necropsy although I know many would suggest that. Maybe they played too rough, maybe she drank some rainwater that made her sick, we truly don't know. 

It put a damper on my day, but unfortunately I can't dwell on that right now. Performances start tomorrow through Sunday, and then I can spend all the lost time with my animals. I love them all so much and have missed our last afternoons together this week!

To end with happier news for the weekend, Tootsie Roll had her first vet appointment (with us, not the breeder) and she's doing wonderfully. She weighed in at 24.9 pounds! To say she's a chunky monkey would not be exaggerating. But, this is just puppy weight and she is going to be a big girl. Not Reggie big, but she's probably going to be stockier than Teddy Bear!

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

A Soaker

We've had so much wonderful rain the last couple of days! Still more to come, but it's beginning to feel like fall around here. 

Most of the animals are enjoying the rain and cooler temps. Kenzie isn't a fan and the goats definitely aren't! The goats smelled though, so this little rain has been good for them. Tomorrow, we'll try to get them into the barn for some drying out time. 

We've got one rehearsal left and then it's showtime! We're beyond ready for this play and I'm beyond tired of hearing these lines!

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Some Days

There are some days I just feel like I can't do or say anything right. This has been one of those days. We all have them, it's not a big deal, but of course I obsess about it. 

It's a stressful week though and hopefully everyone will cut me some slack. That's not an excuse, I'm holding myself accountable, but the stress is definitely with me right now. Mainly it's the play, but there are other things as well. Potty training pups when it's raining (yay rain), nailing down appointments for dentists, doctors, etc., you get the idea. I haven't been sleeping well either, but maybe tonight will be different. 

For now, I'm counting my blessings and being thankful for even the stress. For I know, all things will pass. 

Tootsie learned how to jump on the couch today!

Monday, October 23, 2023

Only Monday?

It's been such a busy day of a busy week ahead. The great news is, we got rain! A nice healthy rain, none of these little sprinkling deals we've been getting either. 

You're also looking at the newest director for Goldthwaite Theatre. Hopefully we'll get some good plays and good people to act in them. I guess that's on me now? I'm looking forward to it. 

Everyone else is doing well and I'll update more tomorrow when I may have some more time. 

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Exciting Weekend!

We've had a good weekend on the farm. Cookie Doe had healthy twins, one boy one girl. Rob actually got to see the beginning of the birth this time! We got her put into the birthing stall (aka the cow stall) while she took her time delivering. Later, we moved her and her kids to the nursery. We're up to five kids now and they're doing great!

This weekend, Brogan also began showing signs he is nearing puberty. Yay! No really, that's good news. He's 13 months and highland bulls can start as early as a year, but usually take eighteen months. He's ahead of schedule!

Also, while I was cooing over him, I noticed his permanent coat is coming in. Brogan is not a red bull, he's a red brindle! That means he has black streaks in him. He's a gorgeous boy. 

That's it for now, I'm sure more will come. 

If you're curious if the dogs nap together. Ok, I woke up Teddy so I could get him in the pic

Thursday, October 19, 2023

End of Week Hodge Podge

Little bit of everything to end out this week. On the farm side, the weaker twin didn't make it. We're going to have to reinforce the nursery so no kids are pushed out away from Mama. 

On the homestead, we get countertops for the butler's pantry on Monday, then I can share that. We're nowhere near done building things, but the interior of the barndo is almost completely done. 

On the domestic animals front, they've all gotten acquainted and everyone loves Tootsie. Ok, Kenzie likes her, it takes her awhile to love anyone new. 

For the humans, we've got one final week before the play and then life will get back to normal! I've loved this experience and looking forward to more in the future. 

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Double Hump Wednesday

Sugar finally freshened today! I'm not sure exactly when, but she gave birth to two. One is doing fantastic. The other might not make it. Somehow, that second one went through the little hole in the gate and got far away from Mama. I warmed her up some and gave her back to Sugar along with Spice and her twins in the nursery. I'm hoping either Sugar or Spice or both will help keep her alive. 

I'm not getting my hopes up though, because the kid is weak. The other, however, is strong and a beautiful tri-color with blue eyes. I think she's a doe as well, but she really didn't have much time in my arms. I was more focused on the weak one. Anyway, I'm proud of Sugar and I hope this evening goes well for all of them!

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

How Did You?

I think I may have scared my pool guy a bit today. I heard the three older pups doing their "someone's here" bark and I look out the window and see the gate closing. 

Umm, I was told you had to have a clicker or the code to get in? I go outside and say sternly, "How did you get in here?!" He informed me there's a pass thru button on all those gates and if we didn't lock the box, he can just push it. Well we're getting a lock for the box. 

I'm not actually upset he got in, I just wish I'd known. We feel very safe in our community, but that's essentially our doorbell. I mean, I've already got the dogs barking letting me know, but still. 

Monday, October 16, 2023

Magnificent Monday

Remarkably, today was a magnificent day! Tootsie Roll did great her first night with absolutely no problems. 

This morning, she got a little scared, but with good reason. Our butler's pantry was installed. The granite countertops were also measured today, but they'll be in next week. I'll share pics when it's fully completed. This was always the plan, we just had to get the measurements of my china hutch before we could have them built. 

As all that's going on, we got our electric gate installed! Now, the only gates Rob has to open and close are the ones for the livestock. Those are easier when you're not having to get in and out of the car. 

Finally, Tootsie Roll was allowed out and absolutely opened up to her canine family and to Flurry. Mango isn't quite ready to show himself, but that's normal for him. Tootsie even gave kisses all around. To the other pups and to me! I'm so in love with my life!

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Tootsie Roll

Fresh from Mississippi, please welcome Tootsie Roll! She's a twelve week old English Shepherd who has been prearranged to be Teddy Bear's partner. Yes, we'll be breeding them and no, I don't love rescue animals any less. 

Rob and I were brought up to always spay and neuter our pets and to rescue those needing homes from shelters. Teddy was our first purebred and we're dedicated to the incredible nature of this breed. They are a mix of rough collie, border collie and Australian shepherd, but they differ in a couple of ways. But for our farm, they're the best suited with our rag-tag bunch. 

Now more about Tootsie Roll. We used a courier service, Go Fetch, to bring her home and it went smoothly. She's tired from the ride, but she did enjoy meeting her canine family. She gave Reggie a kiss! We're giving her all the love we always do and everything else she needs. Welcome home Tootsie!

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Herding Dogs

Every dog on this planet is remarkable. There are those who can comfort, those who can retrieve, those who can alert, those who can protect, those who herd and more. Some have to figure out their role, and some come by it naturally. 

Thor and Lance who visited us yesterday have their own talents and they did try to herd the cows and donkeys. But today, Teddy Bear showed yet again how he was born for this. His main role right now is to keep the cows away from the container door so Rob can get their food. He does it effortlessly and yet doesn't upset the cows. They respect him. I'm beginning to think they respect him more than Rob and I! 

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Short But Sweet

I was honored to have my friend Babushka visit me today! She made the journey, brought her loving pups, and was ready for some farm time. It was a short visit, because of me, but hopefully she enjoyed the visit as much as me. 

Her pups seemed to enjoy the livestock. Thor and Dandy ran up and down the fenceline together several times. Lance liked sneaking up and spooking the cows. Don't worry, my cows knew they were safe. That fence has already been tested but Kenzie after all. 

I also finally got my birthday gift, and it's awesome. I'll share the pic of me with my gift today and the pic of the pups with the livestock tomorrow. 

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Money Talks

In our almost two years of living in a small town, I can say that the concept of money has changed drastically for us. Rob and I have started from literally nothing in the early days of our marriage, and it's taken us this long to be comfortable. We've had to take risks, we've had to ask for help sometimes, but we've always tried to make smart choices. 

Hands down, moving here was probably our smartest choice ever. Our health has improved, our needs are met, and we're able to be around great people if we want, or close our gate and ignore the world. The money goes further, especially if I don't go clothes shopping, and fortunately, we have our own well. If you're around my undisclosed area, you know what I'm talking about. 

My advice, find where you will be happiest. It makes the world of difference!

Monday, October 9, 2023

A Long Day

Today has been the longest and busiest Monday we've had in awhile. Between farm stuff, theatre drama, Friends of the Night Sky business, and more, both of us are exhausted. This month is going to fly by, but it's going to be fun. 

The play is going well, all the animals are doing well, and I finally got some answers about the school next door for the night sky. It's not good news, there's nothing that can actually be done to be more night sky compliant while following state rules for security, but at least now we know. It gives the answer needed for the Friends of the Night Sky, and as for us personally, we'll just plant some trees that we were planning to do anyway. 

Tomorrow is another day, but hopefully a little less hectic. Who said country living was a quiet life?

Sunday, October 8, 2023

What's A Month

Rob and I used this weekend to finally get back to what we've done before: month long cooking! We do a dozen freezable recipes, get them all prepped and pre-cooked and stick them in the freezer. It's a lot of work for a weekend, but then the rewards are so worth it!

First, there's the cost. We're spending $5.62 per meal and every meal has got meat and veggies. Second, there's the health aspect. Our closest town is considered a food swamp (a place completely overrun by fast food restaurants) that our health has deteriorated with larger waist lines and less energy. Third, there's the time we're saving. By doing it all at once, dinner is already planned and all we have to do is heat it up. Rob and I lead busy lives, time is a commodity for us. As a bonus, most of the recipes are for families of four, so Rob and I usually have lunch taken care of the next day. 

This is just the start for us. Our plans are to eventually have a freezer full of processed pig and cow (not our cows) to save even more money. Don't worry, I'll find a way to spend it on something!

Thursday, October 5, 2023

By Appointment Only

So one of the ways I've socialized my cows and donkeys, is to have them enjoy being brushed. Considering I've got seven cows and three donkeys, brushing becomes a pretty constant job. During this time of year, they all need as well as want it. Their winter coat starts growing in and out makes them itchy. 

Anyway, today I was brushing Flora. She's my diva and always wants to look her best. Well apparently, she had booked an all day appointment with me, because she wouldn't let anyone else get brushed. This mild mannered cow kept pushing off anyone who tried to get between me and her. It was sweet, but those others did need some brushing, too!

I guess I'll capitalize on the cooler weather tomorrow and try to get more appointments with others. Yes Brogan, I agree you should be next. 

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Free for All

Want to cause havoc? Get all the animals in the barn before a supposed storm. Also have chicken feed out. Yeah, that's fun. 

Nutty is in rut and he's worse than ever. Patches has claimed the chicken feed as hers and this displeases Ciarán. We've got all the goats in various stalls, so the donkeys and cows are squaring off. Keep in mind, the gates to the barn are open, the cows and donkeys can go in and out. The storm isn't close yet and might not even get here. But there's the chicken feed. I swear, it's just chicken feed guys, leave it for the birds!

I tried on a straight jacket that one of our actors will be wearing. It was cozy 

Tuesday, October 3, 2023


Here it is October, and we're still seeing scorpions. They don't like it when it gets below 75, so we make sure our house stays below that. The outside though? Well we can't help that. 

We are supposed to get a rainy cool front, so maybe that will drive them away. We desperately need the rain and I think we deserve cooler temps, too. 

We're awaiting Sugar to drop her kids any day now. Her belly has dropped, so I know she's close. That's about the only clue I've got though. 

This dude was outside the Mexican restaurant in San Angelo. I thought y'all would enjoy

Monday, October 2, 2023

Forrest Gump of Burrs

I never realized how many type of burr making plants there were until we got Teddy. He is a pro at finding all of them and getting all those burrs in his fur. I don't know their individual names, but I know their level of intensity. 

There's what I call the dandelion burr. This burr is one great clump that once it makes contact, it explodes into dozens of individual pokeys. Not at all painful usually, but such a nightmare to deal with. Then there are the beggars lice or whatever people call them. Incredibly tiny little things that stick to everything. They are the glitter of the burr world. They're everywhere and can cause a little discomfort against the skin. 

Lastly, the sticker burr. These are the Legos of Texas. These things look like the jacks kids used to play with a ball, but they're not made of metal. No, these are made with the tiniest slivers of the sharpest wood forged under the Texas molten sun. These are incredibly painful and yet only stay on Teddy just long enough to be dropped off on a couch seat, in an about to be worn shoe, or anywhere that would ensure the most pain. 

Caramel, our tiniest goat, loves climbing to new heights

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Anytime is Mealtime

One of the biggest differences between domestic animals and livestock is the feeding. The cats and dogs are like clockwork. They have an internal clock and they know when it's feeding time, regardless of if we're in daylight savings or not. 

The livestock though, they get fed sometime in the evenings. It could be late because of the play rehearsal or early because we have to go to a concert. Either way, they get fed. Either way, Ciarán is starving and will bull rush her way to all the food troughs and all the others know to stay out of her way. 

When we first got Ciarán, she was pregnant and nursing Coorie. We expected her to be on the hungry side. Now that she's not pregnant and no longer nursing Callie, we've just decided she must be part pig. We separated the troughs far apart tonight, and she ran so fast to check them both out. I wish I had gotten it on camera!