Thursday, October 26, 2023

After The Rain

After all the glorious rain, we were saddened to find one of Spice's does died. She was alive and well this morning, but by afternoon, she was gone. They both seemed so healthy and everyone is still healthy and well, but I guess these things happen. We're not going to do a necropsy although I know many would suggest that. Maybe they played too rough, maybe she drank some rainwater that made her sick, we truly don't know. 

It put a damper on my day, but unfortunately I can't dwell on that right now. Performances start tomorrow through Sunday, and then I can spend all the lost time with my animals. I love them all so much and have missed our last afternoons together this week!

To end with happier news for the weekend, Tootsie Roll had her first vet appointment (with us, not the breeder) and she's doing wonderfully. She weighed in at 24.9 pounds! To say she's a chunky monkey would not be exaggerating. But, this is just puppy weight and she is going to be a big girl. Not Reggie big, but she's probably going to be stockier than Teddy Bear!