Sunday, October 8, 2023

What's A Month

Rob and I used this weekend to finally get back to what we've done before: month long cooking! We do a dozen freezable recipes, get them all prepped and pre-cooked and stick them in the freezer. It's a lot of work for a weekend, but then the rewards are so worth it!

First, there's the cost. We're spending $5.62 per meal and every meal has got meat and veggies. Second, there's the health aspect. Our closest town is considered a food swamp (a place completely overrun by fast food restaurants) that our health has deteriorated with larger waist lines and less energy. Third, there's the time we're saving. By doing it all at once, dinner is already planned and all we have to do is heat it up. Rob and I lead busy lives, time is a commodity for us. As a bonus, most of the recipes are for families of four, so Rob and I usually have lunch taken care of the next day. 

This is just the start for us. Our plans are to eventually have a freezer full of processed pig and cow (not our cows) to save even more money. Don't worry, I'll find a way to spend it on something!