Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Farming Woes

With all the rains we've had the last few weeks, I've heard from several of my friends that they've lost their goats and sheep. Meaning they kicked the bucket. All of ours have luckily been healthy, but I didn't realize why until a friend explained it to me today. 

In essence, we run a dry lot. We truck in the hay and y'all already know about the grains. All their animals were feeding off the grass and getting coccidia. This is a parasite that eventually can kill them if not treated. Even still, treatment or preventative measures might not be enough. 

Rob and I have talked about letting the animals out to graze on all the stuff we have growing, but now we're not going to this year. Once we get the land properly taken care of, it's only a dry lot for us.