Wednesday, June 26, 2024

New Service

I'm providing a new service with Teddy's help. He's systematically making sure every type of burr is adhering to his coat so I can spend all night picking at them like a monkey. 

He's not choosy at all either. He'll get whatever type is available. The sticker kind that hurt worse than Legos, the tiny ones that are like Velcro, and these massive ones that roll up in his fur and are just such a delight to get off. Once they're off, I put them in the trash so one day, they can take over the landfill. I know, not all heros wear capes. 

I will be honest, Tootsie gets them sometimes, especially in her tail. But fortunately, she chews them off herself. At least then, I only have to sweep them up. Anyhow, if anyone is needing this service in their land, I'm sure Teddy will be willing to get them all!