Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Autumn Mischief

Fall is my favorite time of the year. It lets me know I've survived another Texas summer. You truly don't know what the weather will be, even in the same day. And while all of nature typically "dies", there's a certain level of mischief in the air. This last day of August, I got to witness a peek of how fall will be on the farm. 

With the rains finishing mid afternoon, the animals all took turns being wild and crazy. In a funny and cute way, of course. The donkeys ran in literal circles in the pen. Fancy runs regally with her head proudly up and her hooves dancing on the ground. Patches likes to bend her ears down, her head down, and tries to break the speed force. The goats like to dance and jump around like they are at some weird dance party. The cows, they absolutely love to feel the wind blow through their hair. Trust me, it's like watching a shampoo commercial. 

Let's not forget about the domesticated animals. The pups were right there running along the pen with the donkeys. The cats are literally climbing the walls in the RV. And the chickens, they are in hog heaven with all the bugs that have appeared from the rains. I can't wait until the outside perimeter is finished, then all the animals will have so much more room to roam!