Thursday, August 4, 2022

It's A Mule

One of the conditions for Senior moving out to our land, was he had to have a working mule. At 88 years old, he doesn't need to have to navigate thirty acres without assistance. So on Tuesday, we got him a mule. Yesterday, it was delivered. Today, he got to drive it. 

This man drove around the whole acreage with no one but Reggie with him. Even Reggie didn't trust his driving and decided to go on paw. I watched the whole time, but even I was impressed he went the full distance. That wore him out though, so now we know his limits. 

He did threaten to drive his truck back to the nursing home. I said he could of he answered one question correctly. I asked him the name of the town we were living in. He couldn't remember and that's why I do the driving!