Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Icicles Everywhere

We've come to understand that the land teaches us what we're made of. We handled teen degree weather with no water over Christmas, we handled dryer than dry summer with little to no water, and now, we're learning how to deal with ice. 

As we luckily still have water, we're keeping the animals stocked up with plenty to drink. Rob's been enjoying crushing the ice when it starts to form to keep the water liquid. The goat girls have been thirsty as they're milking their kids. Nutty has been urinating on his beard constantly as a rebellion for our separating him from others. The donkeys haven't really changed their habits with water, but the coos, that's where it gets fun. 

My coos have spent more time outside today than in the barn. They would drink the water from the trough as the sleet pelted them. Tonight, they were covered in icicles! Flora was upset I wouldn't brush her, but c'mon, I don't think brushing you when your fur is ice is a good thing. The pups love the potty breaks hearing the icy ground crunch under their feet. The cats are staying warm and dry inside and the chickens don't seem to notice anything different going on. 

Tomorrow is supposed to be the worst of the weather. We'll keep forging through as we always do!

I rolled down the window and the ice stayed! There's no window in this pic

Monday, January 30, 2023

Smart Mamas

We're slowly getting a hang of our new madness around here. Fiona is still the queen, but she's allowing Ciarán some leeway on the rules for now. We've doubled our feed/hay and Ciarán still acts like we're starving her. Does she actually care if anyone else including her daughter Coorie get to eat? No, not really. That's ok, we'll adjust accordingly and keep everyone happy and full. 

The donkeys are completely cool with being left alone right now by the others. Between the goats having kids and the new coos, they just hang out on the edge and look like gossiping sisters talking about the others. 

The truly amazing thing is how all the does have bonded together now. Cookie Doe had twins this morning, so we decided to let all the females stay in the nursery (the weather is cold and icy anyway). There's a heat lamp in one corner and a plastic dog kennel with the door removed in the center of the stall. The mamas are herding their young into one of the two locations. If it's too hot, they go to the dog kennel, if they're too cold, the heat lamp. They're all so cute and snuggly, but several mamas wanted my attention that they wouldn't let me take pics. Tomorrow's weather is going to be even worse, so we'll just keep everyone watered, warm, fed and happy until the sun comes out again!

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Fur Real!!!

We are Fur Real Farms and we're brimming with fur right now. The does started throwing their kids out like they had a pact to all deliver within the same 24 hours. I am not releasing the sexes yet, because I want to get clearer pics as I announce each one to the world. We've had five does deliver, two (Scotchie and Spice) with twins. Unfortunately, Sundae's doeling didn't survive even though we tried everything. I'm still wondering if there was more we could have done, but truly I think she was just too weak from the start. She's with Fergus now. 

However, the remaining six are cute and playful as can be. Scotchie's twins like to hop around, Cocoa and S'mores are overprotective mother's, and Spice will literally give you her kids for some treats. 

That's not all! Friday night, in the midst of all the kids dropping, our two newest coos arrived! Ciarán (proposed Key-Erin) and Coorie (coo-ree), formerly known as Hershey and Tiny. Ciarán, meaning dark, is three years old and is mother to Coorie, meaning snuggly, who is five months old. Also, Ciarán is pregnant! All the coos are getting along and slowly Ciarán is accepting us. What's awesome is Brogan totally has a crush on Coorie! 

This week the weather is supposed to be cold and wet, so barndo building probably won't happen much. Just as well, I'm going to be busy with all my animals giving them so much love!

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Just Wow

The barndo is really coming along! The roof is done, the interior ceilings and cross beams are done. We picked out granite today, it's all coming together!

I think some are confusing my carport with the porch, but they'll figure it out once the cars are there. I don't know when that will be, but these guys are really chugging along!

As I close this weeks round of blogs, I'll say there are no new kids yet. They're making me wait for them, but they're doing well and that's all that matters. Maybe this weekend we'll have some new furry friends?

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Muck Boots

Everyone will tell you when you get a farm, the first things you'll need are fences. Nope, you need muck boots. I don't care if you have animals or not, of you'll garden or not, if you live on farm land, you need muck boots. What are muck boots? I honestly couldn't tell you exactly, but I've got some. They're sturdy boys, waterproof and they're somewhat easier to put on and take off due to a stretchy ankle bit and boot strap. All I know is you can step in all sorts of things in these boots, hose them down and be done with them. 

Granted, it's our winter right now and I've got the tendency of stepping in all sorts of stuff. I don't try to, the animals actually push me into it. But sure enough, these boots do their job. In the summer though, it's croc season. Some may say flip flops, and that's fine, too. I actually have croc flip flops so I'm covered either way. But again, you need shoes you can hose off and not wear in general public. 

Fine, yes I still wear them in general public, but I try to hose them off first. I'm lazy and if I've already got shoes on when it's time to go, then that's that. I generally smell of goats and cows and donkeys now, so it really doesn't matter if I've got added flavor under my soles. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Rain Delay

We finally got some rain today! Boy howdy, we sure needed it. Although, we don't need these winds we're getting tonight!  Why do cold fronts in Texas always got to come in like a speeding bullet? Just weird. 

Because of rain, I'm late in all things pretty much today. I was late waking up, I was late getting this blog out, but I wasn't late in feeding the animals. Nope, I know better!

The workers should be back tomorrow and we're still on kid watch. I asked Cocoa when she's going to deliver, and she just looked at me bored. When I was due with my own kid, I was so ready for her to pop out!

Monday, January 23, 2023

Banding & Billies

I figured I'd get the educational blog out of the way for this week. As we still wait for the kids to be born (I'm guessing tomorrow since it's going to be raining and cold), I thought I'd share our thoughts on banding and billies. 

Males have it rough on farms. At birth, or shortly thereafter, it's decided whether a male will one day be able to reproduce or not. As we've seen how Nutty is during rut, and the fact he got the job done for the ladies, very few intact males are needed. Depending on how varied you want your bloodline, is how many billies you have. We're not into goats for their bloodlines, we're in it for their milk. 

So, most if not all of our bucklings born will become banded. Essentially a river band goes around the sac and it dies off due to lack of blood flow. It's humane and it makes them into wethers. The only males I would consider keeping intact to sell are those who are naturally polled (out of Cocoa or Caramel). I haven't decided how many wethers we'll keep as is not wise to count your chickens before they hatch. Or rather, count your kids before they're born. 

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Looks and Brains

Still no kids yet, but soon! Anyhow, I just got to brag about my micro donkey Fancy tonight. This past week, we had the back portion of the barn, including the gate, blocked off for the animals in order to have the floor cemented. During the whole week, we were constantly coaxing the cows to come in the front gate. Every single night until the back gate was opened back up to them. They go out through the front and in through the back, there's just no other way they want to go!

Back to Fancy, now that the concrete is fully dry, anyone can walk on it. Well, Patches would walk on through the back gate and then back up. It took several treats to finally get her in her stall. But Fancy, she wanted nothing to do with the concrete. Instead, and I kid you not, she had a lightbulb moment and took off running. She ran clear around the barn and came in the front way! She even hee-hawed and was just so proud of herself for figuring it out! I sure love her and all my animals. 

Thursday, January 19, 2023


As we end this week of blogs, I thought I'd update everyone on the barndo build. It's coming together fabulously and everyone is just doing a fantastic job. 

Interior wise, I believe we have all the walls up! We now know exactly where every room is and how big it is. Rob is a little disappointed in the size of his office, but all he needs is a laptop and chair, I think he'll be ok!

For the exterior, we've got it halfway done. The backside and the carport walls are up! Tomorrow, they'll either do the front or the remaining side. The ever present wind here will decided for them which it will be. It's difficult to get the colors right on camera, but it's burgundy with a dark grey trim. The roof will also be in dark grey and should look perfect for where we are. Let's just say we've got school spirit in more ways than one!

Next week, there will be even more greatness to share. In the meantime, we're on goat watch and ready to welcome all the new kids!

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Polled, Disbudded or Horned

As we're approaching the start of our goat kidding season, I thought I'd share a little information about goats and their horns. Forgive me if I've mentioned this before. 

We have two females that are polled, Cocoa and Caramel. This means they were born without horns. When someone wants a goat that is Disbudded, this means they want the kids to have their horns cauterized to prevent further growth. Horned means they stay natural with their horns. 

A lot of people will mix up polled versus disbudded and a lot of people prefer their goats to not have horns. Why? The people want to protect themselves from the head butting goats do at times. Also, several people are misinformed about horns claiming they aren't necessary. I disagree and I keep the horns for the goats I currently have. Most likely, I will refuse to disbud for potential buyers, but I'm going to speak with my veterinarian first. Anyhow, I believe in animals staying mostly the way they're born. Goats who have horns are given a better chance at weathering extreme temperatures of cold or hot. Hello, we're in Texas, let's give them a fighting chance in the summer!

Now I said mostly I keep them the way they are born. I will be banding my bucklings who are born. Essentially that means neutering them. I'll explain more about that another time. Going back to horns, I've also found those with horns tend to love scratching themselves with them. Who doesn't love a good self scratching?

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Mama Done Said

Do you know what helps when you're scolding your cow? Get her name right! Flora decided she wanted to act like Fiona today and vice versa, so was it any wonder I kept telling the wrong name? Rob alerted me Flora might actually listen if I stop calling her Fiona. Highlands are so sweet and loveable, but goodness they can get stubborn!

That's ok, everyone got extra treats, big scratches, and lots of love anyway. But a cowboy trick I inadvertantly learned today, stomping your feet while simultaneously slapping your knee will get cows to hustle. So apparently, I can officially check square dancing in an actual barn off my bucket list. I swung my partners in their stalls and kicked my heels to get off the cow paddy. All in a day's fun on the farm!

Monday, January 16, 2023

Not Enough Daylight

Mondays are always busy at the farm, but now than usual today. After the usual morning chores, we had to head out to pick up hay. That always takes at least an hour out of our day. 

Back home for quick meetings with our builder and all the other guys necessary. Inside guys will be working on the interior walls this week, the welders will be working on the exterior walls. We decided to forgo our storm closet (was going to use too much room) but everything else is looking good. While I would love a humongous pantry, I'll make do with what I'm getting. That's the thing with houses, never enough closets and places to hide stuff. 

After the meetings, we had to drive to Austin. We're going through some private family matters, but let me just say getting back late was not what our animals wanted. I swear, they are all overgrown cats acting like we starve them because we're an hour late!

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Ramping Up

We've got a lot of excitement happening on the farm. Rob and I are already live on Facebook, but will soon have a website, too. For now, it will be to post our animals and this blog. In the future, it will include great farm products, animals up for new homes, and fun merchandise. It's expensive having a farm, so any help is greatly appreciated. More income means more incoming animals, especially highland cows!

As for incoming animals, this week begins the goat watch for Cocoa and her kid(s).  Technically, she's due on January 20th, but I'm supposed to be mindful the fifteenth to twenty-fifth. I know she's ready to drop, as she's already started dropping in her belly! I think she'll just be happy to have her bladder for her to control again. 

Lastly, this week begins truly impressive work on the barndo. I'll just post updates when applicable, but know Rob and I are excited about everything happening on the farm!

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Country Hair Styles

Living on a farm, you wouldn't think your hairstyle matters. That's false! You've got the added challenges now of looking halfway decent. 

First, there's the weather. We're in a windy area, so the best thing to do to get you ready for the day is to set up a fan to the side of you while you style your hair. Keep in mind, if you use styling products, any dirt will quickly congeal on your shiny tresses once you go outside. 

Second, maybe you decide to be clever and put your hair in a ponytail. Sure! Just know that swinging that tail around attracts the animals like a red flag to a bull. Keep your head still and hope the wind doesn't blow it much and you'll be fine!

Lately, I know what you're thinking. A hat covers all sins. While true, we're in the country and it's polite to remove your hair indoors. Go ahead, get that nice sweaty, flattened crown out for the world to see. 

Just do what I do, brush it and appreciate what you achieved in the mirror and keep that within you for the rest of the day. Avoid all mirrors after that brushing unless you just want to do it all again. Have a great weekend everyone!

My very special kitchen window. On the inside, it frames the kitchen sink. On the outside, it will frame the outdoor kitchen. The window open from the center out to leave a nice big passthrough!

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Barndo Update

I wanted to save everything for tomorrow's blog, but I promised my mom the pics in tonight's blog of the progress. Monday and Tuesday, the metal guys finished the wall framing. Today, yes just today, the interior guys got started on the jams and windows! Curtis Durham and his team are rocking this build. 

Tomorrow, the tin is supposed to be delivered. No, is not actually tin, but that's what they call it around here. Friday, the metal guys come back and start work on the exterior walls and roof. It's happening y'all! I'm inserting a ton of pics now, enjoy. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

The Cow Lady

Who knew I would one day not only be called, but happily answer to, a cow lady! This afternoon, I took Rob to my dentist and one of the hygienists I've never met before comes up to me and asks me if I'm the cow lady. Why yes, yes I am! I have her my number and address and she's going to be part of one I'm terming my "socialization project". 

I've also got one of the welders bringing his two little girls and wife soon for the project as well. The more comfortable my animals get to seeing strangers, the better. Luckily, I've got a two-step process to work with the strangers. The first is a meet and greet through the pasture fence. If that goes well, I'll them separate those who are enjoying the company to stay in the pasture and those who aren't to go into the pen. Those who stay will get pets and treats, which I know will greatly encourage the hold outs. Do I find animals already prone to enjoying treats or do I make them that way? Hmmm. I have a feeling my love for treats might be a nurturing affect. 

Monday, January 9, 2023

Be Good

On a rare event, I had a friend over for a visit! Since I was gabbing away in Gator's Xing, Rob had to tuck all the animals in for the night. They all did so well for him!

Normally, I'm the one who gets most of the animals in their stalls. I say most because Sundae likes to hang out with me as I handle all the others. She's just like a puppy dog! Anyway, I'm so glad they did well and I had a great visit. 

I unfortunately didn't take a pic of the work the guys did today and Saturday. Yes Saturday! I'll rectify that tomorrow. In the meantime, enjoy a random animal pic. 

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Cottage Chic

Welcome to all the new readers! I look forward to telling you all about Fur Real Farms in my Sunday through Thursday night blogs. Ok, sometimes I forget to write it and sometimes I break my phone and can't, but usually it's Sunday through Thursday nights. 

Anyway, spring is just around the corner, and that means gardening. Last year, between my black thumb, weird temperatures and the drought, nothing I planted survived. Some night say to try yet again without changing anything, but where's the fun in that? Instead, let's buy a super cute greenhouse from Clifton Visions and try it that way!

We went small with an 8x10 because really, the smallest size looked too dang cute! Plus, I couldn't really convince Rob to go bigger as I haven't proven myself to grow anything yet. But, if this works, we can always get another. A whole village of them!