As we luckily still have water, we're keeping the animals stocked up with plenty to drink. Rob's been enjoying crushing the ice when it starts to form to keep the water liquid. The goat girls have been thirsty as they're milking their kids. Nutty has been urinating on his beard constantly as a rebellion for our separating him from others. The donkeys haven't really changed their habits with water, but the coos, that's where it gets fun.
My coos have spent more time outside today than in the barn. They would drink the water from the trough as the sleet pelted them. Tonight, they were covered in icicles! Flora was upset I wouldn't brush her, but c'mon, I don't think brushing you when your fur is ice is a good thing. The pups love the potty breaks hearing the icy ground crunch under their feet. The cats are staying warm and dry inside and the chickens don't seem to notice anything different going on.
Tomorrow is supposed to be the worst of the weather. We'll keep forging through as we always do!