Monday, January 30, 2023

Smart Mamas

We're slowly getting a hang of our new madness around here. Fiona is still the queen, but she's allowing Ciarán some leeway on the rules for now. We've doubled our feed/hay and Ciarán still acts like we're starving her. Does she actually care if anyone else including her daughter Coorie get to eat? No, not really. That's ok, we'll adjust accordingly and keep everyone happy and full. 

The donkeys are completely cool with being left alone right now by the others. Between the goats having kids and the new coos, they just hang out on the edge and look like gossiping sisters talking about the others. 

The truly amazing thing is how all the does have bonded together now. Cookie Doe had twins this morning, so we decided to let all the females stay in the nursery (the weather is cold and icy anyway). There's a heat lamp in one corner and a plastic dog kennel with the door removed in the center of the stall. The mamas are herding their young into one of the two locations. If it's too hot, they go to the dog kennel, if they're too cold, the heat lamp. They're all so cute and snuggly, but several mamas wanted my attention that they wouldn't let me take pics. Tomorrow's weather is going to be even worse, so we'll just keep everyone watered, warm, fed and happy until the sun comes out again!

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