Sunday, February 26, 2023

Fujita Scale

Since moving to our town, we've experienced wind daily. Light wind, medium wind, and on scary days, high wind. It's got me to thinking that I want two things as decorations for the barndo: something to measure the wind speed, and a handy guide to the Fujita Scale. 

For those who don't know, Fujita is what the "f" stands for when they talk about tornados. For example, Amarillo had 110 mph winds today, which qualifies as an F1 if it had been a tornado. To me, wind is wind. Whether it goes circular, up and down, north to south, or east to west, it's wind. I will be referring to extremely windy days like today on the Fujita Scale. Deal with it. 

I'll talk about farm life and all the fun throughout this week, but it's windy and my RV is rocking like Gilligan's boat did shortly before they were shipwrecked. If I don't blow away overnight, I'll fill y'all in on the goings on tomorrow. 

We went for a double date to a Christian comedy show Saturday night and it was fun. Laughter is good