Picture this, I went outside among the icy tundra to peek towards the barn and listen for the animals. During this time, I also let me two pups out to burn some energy and get some potty action. Well, it was after all this when Kenzie had already gone inside and Reggie decided to stop to watch a truck go by. He was very concerned about the truck, but he was not concerned the door was open and Mango, one of two indoor cats, decided freedom was his.
Ok, totally cute watching Mango and his fluffy butt skid to underneath the truck. Great that Kenzie scruffed him so he couldn't take off. However, this is where I took the stage. On my last step to the truck, my left leg shot sideways quickly into a split. I don't, and never have done, the splits. Various cracking sounds were heard in my left leg as my right leg tries to do a pirouette move with extra pizzazz. The dismount was my landing hard on my left buttock and yet somehow, my right hand sliced through Kenzie's hold thereby then grabbing Mango myself. By the time I came to a stop, I had Mango over my shoulder, Kenzie by the collar and the adrenaline was quickly wearing off.
No broken bones, but my left bum to ankle is bruised and painful. Rob took pity on me (probably because he didn't want to take me to the hospital) and fed all the animals for the night. By the way, every living creature on our farm is doing fantastic, but even the coos are done with this ice!