Thursday, March 28, 2024

A Little X-Rated

It's definitely spring around here. You can't walk anywhere on the farm without seeing new babies, new fur coats being grown by the older animals, and the boys showing more than is decent. I'm having to be careful taking pics now because sometimes in person I don't catch it, but before I post (luckily) I notice Dandy especially is letting it all hang out. Boys!

This should be where I say we're going to have a relaxing weekend, but that's not in the cards. It's the Diamondback Jubilee for Rob and I with the Lions Club Friday and Saturday. On Sunday, the superhero cast decided they wanted to rehearse. I'm glad they're excited, but I'm tired! Monday starts the regular daily grind all over again. It's ok, as long as I can rest somewhere in there, it's all good. 

Have a great weekend!

Fudge loves being on my lap near the heat lamp all relaxed