Monday, March 4, 2024

Silver Lining

Bright and Early this morning, I got a text from my doctor saying I had to go to the nearest LabCorp to get my blood drawn. If you may recall, we tried getting my blood in January and that didn't work. My veins just wouldn't cooperate. Well, according to them, they were understaffed and I had to go elsewhere, but I think it's because they didn't want to try with me again. 

Nevertheless, I dutifully went to the closest LabCorp. Which incidentally, is fifteen minutes further away than my doctor. After fasting though, I was going to get this done! I went in, and once she called me in, it was literally one stick and we had gold. Thank goodness! We shouldn't have had an issue, I drank enough water to cover a whale. 

The rest was a Monday. Easy come, easy go, but we live to fight another day. 

Cool clouds