Sunday, March 24, 2024

Mostly Successful Weekend

For the most part, the weekend was a success. Friday we're made the Austin run to pick up the mash, then hightailed it to the lake house to meet with the electricians. It's coming along there! Fingers crossed we'll be ready for May release. 

Saturday, we worked around the house and barn. We cleaned out a lot of the barn, kept checking on S'mores (still no kids), and Gator helped with the barn, fixing up our broken boarded trailer and even edged the house from the overgrown weeds. 

Today, a leisurely day of a three hour rehearsal, a Tractor Supply and grocery store run, and still some cuddling with the kids. These kids are now starting to come up to me, so the daily cuddling is working! I'll write when S'mores finally drops the kids, but for now, everyone is well and loved.