Sunday, September 8, 2024

Not So Swell

I think the absolutely wonderful cold front we received brought a little something extra to me. I was feeling great this morning, but this afternoon I started to feel a scratchy throat. Now, came back from his trip with what seemed like allergies (sneezing and some coughing) and I've just got a scratchy throat and yuck feeling. I'll stay home and rest tomorrow if I need to. One of the perks of being my own boss. 

Other than that, it was a good weekend. We did the usual things and had the usual fun. Originally, I was supposed to take part with my cupcakes in a fundraiser, but it didn't seem like they needed me and I really didn't have the time. I do hope they did well though. 

Tomorrow, my piano finally gets tuned! We'll also have to pick up the truck from the mechanics an hour away, so let's hope I wake up feeling good to go.