Sunday, July 31, 2022

Making Strides

Do we have a house yet? No, but we're halfway ready for Senior's arrival. Do we have a house yet? No, but we're halfway done with the pavilion. We're making strides where we can, and trying not to get too frustrated with what we can't. 

We've got the electricity and water ready for Senior. The RV will be delivered tomorrow. We find out hopefully tomorrow when the 20' shipping container we ordered will be delivered. And tomorrow we also have to call septic to get Senior a holding tank. That's the RV project. 

The pavilion should be done early this week. The beams are being finished as we speak and then the roof will be installed within the next couple of days. That's the pavilion project. 

The barndo project is still in finance. We'll be talking with the powers that be this week and hopefully get the green light to break ground. Wish us luck on our barndo project! 

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Not A Word

Want to know how easy it is to get the fur babies to bed? Just watch the video Rob took. All I have to do is walk in the barn, and they all follow. The goats go right into their stall where I close them in and they will be fed last. Next, the donkeys go into their stall where they're given a couple of treats, some pettings and/or brushing, and then fed. Then the bovine are given treats, fed and then either petting or brushed. Lastly, the goats and then I'm done. They've gotten into such a great routine that it's only going to get better!

We had a long day today, so just enjoy the pics, have a great weekend, and I'll be back on Sunday night with more from the farm. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Some Struggles

As we're trying to obtain financing on our barndo (the latest hurdle in our saga), we've learned that Senior is at his wits end with his assisted living facility. We've spent more time going back and forth to that place in the last two weeks than we've done anything else. So today, we looked at a motorhome. He's buying it tomorrow. 

It's going to be a lot of added stress on us in some respects, and easier on others. The time we'll save from driving back and forth, I'll be able to make good meals for all three of us to eat. Our first has been pitiful lately. Instead of constant phone calls, I'll have someone to talk to almost non-stop. It'll be a challenge, but we'll find our way. 

Lastly, some sad news. When we were last with Senior, one or all four of the animals in the RV knocked down the incubator. We lost several hatchlings before they were even born. I'm going to think about a new setup or something soon, but I hate it happened. I want to bring new life into this world!

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Let's Talk Bull

When you begin farming or ranching, you learn there's a whole new set of lingo to learn. From chicks, pullets and hens; to kids and jennies, you get to find out those old games of "this is a cow" was grossly insufficient. 

So let's talk bull. Or rather, bovine. I thought I had two cows and one bull. Nope, I've got one weanling heifer, one yearling heifer and a bull. You can call him a yearling bull or bullock, but bull works just fine. Typical, the men have it easy. The girls are determined by age and if she's been bred or not. Flora was just weaned prior to coming, hence the weanling. Soon, probably now, she'll be considered a calf until she gets Fiona's age. Fiona isn't bred yet (too young anyway) so she is a yearling who coincidentally is also at least a year old for the name. Once my girls are pregnant, they are "exposed". Once they are close to term on the pregnancy, they are "springers". Then, after they birth, they will be cows. 

Don't worry, I will not be quizzing out making anyone call them by their appropriate terminology. But I will point out the bull, always good to keep an eye on bulls! (Even if he can't see you)

Monday, July 25, 2022

I'm Alpha, Really

When we started with goats, Scotchie tried to test me as alpha. She tried to head butt me and do that silly goat dance they do to try to intimidate me. It didn't work and I was able to handle her to calm her down until she learned I was alpha. 

Patches and Fancy never questioned I was the alpha. They saw I had the food and treats and that's all it took. A simple no is enough for them to immediately stop any untoward behavior. 

Fiona though is now testing me. She has proven herself the alpha among Fergus and Flora, and now she's testing the waters to see if I'll fall in line. I'm not going to, but now I'm trying to research online the best way to discipline her. She's got me on weight and horns, but little does she know how stubborn I am. 

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Hot Temper

I'm learning that sometimes, the heat will cause my animals to have tempers. Understandably, it does the same to me. Fiona was in a mood today, perhaps because she locked herself in the goat pen again. Anyway, she decided to headbutt her bovine stall mates away from the main feeding trough. She didn't want to be messed with and I told her it's her own fault and to get over it. Minutes later, she nuzzled me when I leaned over her pen. Good girl!

This weekend, we decided to take part in the local FFA rodeo where we had bought raffle tickets for 1/2 beef. We didn't win, but it was fun to see all the animals. 

Rob got to try a cowboy sundae which apparently is a thing. It's a cup full of brisket, corn, mashed potatoes, gravy, and queso. He enjoyed it!

We're set for another week on the farm where we'll watch our pavilion go up, our donkeys run around playing, and the goats being the loveable stinkers they are. Let's just hope tempers stay cool even with the soaring heat!

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Pavilion and Halters

Well, I finally started halter training Fiona and Fergus today. Let's say they are more adept at avoiding the loop that goes over their head than I am getting the lips over their head. I tried a few times and with a few treats, but I decided to stop when Fiona literally shook her head no at me. Hey, I taught her that shake of the head, I'm going to respect it. I'll keep trying each day until we all get comfortable with it. 

Now, as for the pavilion. We've already got the slab poured! The 20x25 foot foundation will have a metal roof and beams within the next couple of weeks. Then, we'll add the finishing touches of electric, water, and furniture. By the first cold front, haha, ok by the end of August, I should have a new place to relax and be me while Rob is busy working in the RV. Don't get me wrong, Rob's allowed to use the pavilion as well. At least, when I allow him to! 

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Unique Personalities

I can say without a doubt, every single one of my animals has their own unique personality. The newer additions are still giving me glimpses of what theirs will be, but the older ones I've got down. 

Scotchie: this goat has got a big personality. She's the queen and expects everyone to treat her as such. 

Cocoa: she's the Louise to Scotchie's Thelma. She lets Scotchie cause the mischief, but she's always got her sister's back. 
Sundae: she is the friendliest, most outgoing goat. She also knows how to butter me up for special sneak treats. 
Cookie Doe: the most inquisitive of the goats. She wants to know what everyone's doing and take part in whichever is the most fun. 
S'mores: like Sundae, she is also very friendly. However, she has a quick attention span and doesn't linger long enough for special sneak treats. 
Fiona: she is the most vain of my animals and would like you to acknowledge how beautiful she is at all times if you please. Nothing wrong with that mind you, she is beautiful. 
Patches: she is my shadow. She wants the treats, she wants the love, she wants all the attention. She even loves the attention from the pups, her sprin adoring fans. 
Fancy: this girl is all woman, hear her hee-haws. She would be that girl burning bras and singing how she'd teach the world to drink a coke and live in harmony. 
The newest additions are yet to be fully determined, but I'll update once I'm sure. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Next 10 Days

Ok, the weather is really starting to aggravate me. Since Sunday, it's been triple digits and that will continue for the next ten days. Monday, same story. Today, same story. When all is said and done, we're going to be going on two months of triple digit temps and they'll still say, the same for the next ten days. 

Here's what I'd like to happen in the next ten days. I'd like my pavilion to be built so I've got some shade when I've had enough of being quiet while Rob's working. I'd like some unforeseen weather phenomena with some weird sounding name to bring a rare eighty degree rainy summer day here. I'd like to be able to hug my friends and family without my stench from sweating interfering. While we're at it, I'd like the financing of my barndo to happen and to break ground on building it in the next ten days. Can we do that?

This will be the only summer in my life I'll ever live in an RV. Handling the dead of winter was bad enough, but sitting in an aluminum oven waiting for my brain cells to fully liquify is not an experience I want to repeat. Thank goodness my animals are keeping me with what little sanity I have left!

Monday, July 18, 2022

Farm Chores

You may find this hard to believe, but Rob and I have gotten the nighttime routine down to twenty minutes! That's getting all the animals in their appropriate stalls, feeding and watering, giving treats, and for the big ones, brushing as well. Also, feeding and watering the fowl in that time frame too. We keep fine tuning the system, but I think that's about as good as we're going to get it at night. 

Sugar and Flora are learning their names. Fergus doesn't give us a chance to call him as he's all about the treats. Spice, Caramel and Sugar got snuggles with me today. They didn't like it, but they'll learn to enjoy it. All the older goats do at least. 

Other than that, we're just trying to keep everyone cool in this heat. It's amazing how much water it takes to keep everyone hydrated!

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Baby Steps

All good things take time. Whether it's getting new animals to know you, or older animals to accept new tasks, when it comes together, it means everything. 

Sugar and Spice are starting to learn their names (even though they have to be side by side for me to determine which is which). Caramel freely walks around the yard and has learned the bigger the animal above her, the more food they spill down to her below. 

Patches and Fancy have been working on their hee-haws to my delight. They know this makes me laugh and are happy to do it. 

Fiona has accepted her two new stall buddies and is even becoming a little protective of Flora. Flora has let me start to lightly brush her and Fergus is really starting to like the brushing. 

To leave you with this mental image: every night when it's time to tuck them into bed, they all come up to the gate to greet me and get a quick pet. Then the herd follows me inside and disperses into various stalls. We're not miracle workers yet, most of the time everyone goes into the wrong stall, but at least it's progress!

Friday, July 15, 2022

Incredibly Long Week

I apologize for not getting the blog out yesterday. Rob's dad had three different trips to the hospital this week, which has kept us in a frantic state. We're hoping he's all ok now. 

As for the farm, some great updates. We got a great rain! It also blew everything every which way, but luckily everyone is ok. We also finally got the bid on our barndo, so now it's with our finance guy and then hopefully we'll get going very soon. We should have no trouble as with the sale of our house, we managed to pay off all our debts! Granted, we still owe on the land, but that's it. It may be horrendous living in a 34' trailer, but the money you save is astronomical. 

Update on animals. We unfortunately lost the one hatchling quail we had. It didn't die, we actually lost it. Either wind or animals knocked over the top of the brooder and he escaped. Rob was upset, but we'll regroup. The four quail we have are still doing well. The chicks are doing well. The goats, donkeys and bovine are awesome! Everyone is over big loving family. Next week, my goal is to get the two new bovine brushed and to cuddle with the three new goats more. Doesn't that sound like great goals?

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Fergus & Flora

We've had an exceptionally long day today, so I'll be keeping this brief. However, the new babies arrived this morning! Welcome to Fur Real Farms Fergus (pronounced the Scottish way as fair gus) and Flora. Both are healthy and happy and already much loved. 

In fact, Fergus is quite fond of treats and will do pretty much anything for one already. It was quite easy getting them into their stall tonight as all I had to do was keep giving Fergus treats. In order for Fergus to know where to go, however, I have to leave that treat around like a red cape as a matador would do. Ole! Flora, trusting her travel companion, followed demurely behind him and only wanted one treat. Fiona is happy with her new friends and kept giving me nuzzles of appreciation. More tomorrow!
Fergus in back, Flora in front

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Fun & Games

We started this morning off with the hatching of our first quail! He/she is healthy and we're trying to get this bird to wake up the others from their eggs. Eviction to the brooder is tomorrow!

As we had another hot day, Rob found we have a trickster among our herd. First, Fiona was locked into the aviary. Then later, S'mores was locked in the donkey stall. Fiona was cool about her predicament, but wow S'mores did not like being separated at all!

Our new cow and bull are safely in Texas and will arrive at our farm early tomorrow morning. In the meantime, our bid should be emailed to us on the barndo and our new pavilion is currently underway!

Monday, July 11, 2022

A Monday

As far as Mondays go, this one was about like it. Rob woke up to a phone call that is dad had fallen and gone to the hospital. He's back to his place now, just a little bruised in ego and body. 

The heat was unbearable throughout the day. I even managed to walk through a dirt devil today. Not intentionally, it just blew up on me and swirled me around a bit. It feels like those blower dryers in gas stations. Hot and muggy and you feel dirtier afterwards. 

But the day did get extremely better. Since we were so hot, we managed to set off the sprinklers in the sky for a spontaneous and extremely quick shower. I saw a rainbow, so I know more rain will be coming soon and getting us out of this drought. That's my hope at least. 

I also managed to get all the furry animals in their stalls all by myself tonight! Kenzie has been giving us some issues, so Rob is leash training her around the animals to get her more acquainted with them. Late tomorrow night, the new cows should be coming. With the heat, my transporter and I decided overnight travel is best for them. I can't wait to meet them and welcome them home!

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Always Be Learning

Rob and I are going about this new phase of our lives with a lot of plans to carry out. Last year, we accomplished purchasing thirty acres of land with an electrical pole, a pole barn, and a water well. That was the easy part. 

Stages two and three, which were supposed to be done concurrently, were to establish the barn with animals and build the barndo. Barn is done, the last two animals for awhile come by Tuesday, but the barndo hasn't even broken ground yet. It's frustrating and we're doing all we can to get going on it. 

Stage four we began today. This is an unusual sidestep, but one which should aide us greatly. We're both getting our real estate licenses. Why? Simple explanation is to be able to find and purchase more land in the future. Successful farms grow and we plan to be successful. 

It's about being prepared in many ways for whatever gets thrown our way. I'll share more down the line, in the meantime, enjoy one of our reds testing her own wings. 

Friday, July 8, 2022

Weekly Wrap Up

I apologize for not writing the blog last night. The heat has been zapping us of energy and this weekend's forecast is hotter and dryer. Like that's even possible!

Anyhow, we've had a good week overall on the farm. All the animals are finding playtimes in the mornings and evenings when it's slightly cooler. Patches likes to stand over watch on all the goats as they like to lay in the aviary. Fancy likes to patrol the outer perimeters before taking dust baths. Fiona moves only enough to get the maximum amount of air from the fan in the barn. They all love their pettings except for the three newest goats. Those three will get there. 

We're still waiting on the bid for the barndo. In the meantime, this afternoon we're having our cement guy come out to layout the plan for the foundation for our pavilion. This weekend, we'll be installing misters on the perimeter of the barn and once the pavilion is done, we'll be putting misters there as well. Anything to survive this heat!

Reggie protects from the window inside the RV. Even there sometimes gets too hot for him!

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Take Your Time

This learning the stalls routine is going to be challenging it appears. It takes Fancy three treats to coax her into the stall. It takes Patches five along with guiding her. Fiona though, wow she wanted nothing to do with it tonight. Treats didn't work, coaxing didn't work, guiding definitely didn't work, but we finally got her in there. How? Well read on. 

There is a stack of old doors in her stall that I sat on and just waited her out. I waited, I sang to her in a Scottish lilt. I waited, I showed her I still had a treat for her. I waited, I acted like there was something so amazingly interesting next to me. I waited and waited some more. It took thirty minutes, but she finally came in and went straight for her food. I think she'll be very happy when her new friends come. I can only imagine she's a little lonely in that big stall as to herself. 

Each day will get easier. The great news is that our dogs are completely over the chickens now. Two got fully out of the pen and our pups just looked at us, saw that we had seen them, and then went off exploring. We're all learning!

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Party Fowl

I will admit, turns out the big nest of eggs we found turned out to be guinea eggs! Our next door neighbor's birds decided our yard was perfect for their laying. Not too worry, we returned the four dozen eggs to our neighbor and she can incubate them if she chooses. We're too busy with quail right now anyway. 

All our animals are beginning to enjoy their new stalls. Fiona especially likes having her own space to eat. I do think we need to put more fans in there though. This summer has been brutal with the heat!

Tomorrow, I'm on the hunt to find a suitable feeding trough for my goats. It has to sit tall enough where it won't be in their way, but low enough for little Caramel to get some food! She's just so tiny and adorable!

The two new bovine come in early next week and then we'll be all set for awhile. Truly, I told Rob that at least! 🙂

We sometimes let Reggie drive haha

Monday, July 4, 2022

Independence Day!

We knew our chicks were set to start laying either last week or today, imagine our surprise when we walked the back of the barn today and found the mother lode! We only go around the back of the barn maybe once a week at most, we thought the chicks always stayed in the barn during the day, but apparently they had their own outhouse. We'll be doing the float test on the four dozen we collected to make sure some didn't spoil, but I feel most are ok. What a great surprise! Am independence from the grocery store on eggs!

We also got our new stalls put in so the donkeys and Fiona will have their own sleeping quarters at night. They don't know what to make of them yet, but soon enough they're going to love their individual space. Fiona especially, now we can feed her more and not worry about the donkeys stealing her food!

To celebrate today, we cut up watermelon for all the animals. Guess who was the first to take a nibble? Yep, Patches. That girl won't miss any tidbit of food. Have a great celebration tonight, we'll be hunkered down with the animals keeping them safe from the boom booms. 

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Only One

A busy weekend at the farm! First, we drove two hours away to pick up the smallest and most adorable dwarf Nigerian goat you've ever seen. Seriously, she's a dwarf of a dwarf! While I was there rounding her up, I spied a couple of silver does. Before I knew it, I not only picked up the one I had purchased, but bought two more! Meet Caramel, Sugar and Spice. All three of them have already gotten along and learned the routine of bedtime!

Once we returned home with our newest loves, we had our farrier come out to tend to some of our girls. Fiona is still too skittish to get her hooves trimmed, but I'll continue working on her. Patches and Fancy didn't like it, but they got theirs done. You'd think he was killing Scotchie, Cocoa, Sundae and Cookie Doe, but they all have trimmed hooves now. Let's hope this gets easier with them as all their cries really got to me. 

Today, all the animals settled in for yet another scorcher. Patches and Fancy took to their job well and protected the three littles as they found the chicken coop to their liking. I swear, if you want to entertain any animal except chickens, build an Aviary!