Sunday, July 17, 2022

Baby Steps

All good things take time. Whether it's getting new animals to know you, or older animals to accept new tasks, when it comes together, it means everything. 

Sugar and Spice are starting to learn their names (even though they have to be side by side for me to determine which is which). Caramel freely walks around the yard and has learned the bigger the animal above her, the more food they spill down to her below. 

Patches and Fancy have been working on their hee-haws to my delight. They know this makes me laugh and are happy to do it. 

Fiona has accepted her two new stall buddies and is even becoming a little protective of Flora. Flora has let me start to lightly brush her and Fergus is really starting to like the brushing. 

To leave you with this mental image: every night when it's time to tuck them into bed, they all come up to the gate to greet me and get a quick pet. Then the herd follows me inside and disperses into various stalls. We're not miracle workers yet, most of the time everyone goes into the wrong stall, but at least it's progress!