Monday, July 11, 2022

A Monday

As far as Mondays go, this one was about like it. Rob woke up to a phone call that is dad had fallen and gone to the hospital. He's back to his place now, just a little bruised in ego and body. 

The heat was unbearable throughout the day. I even managed to walk through a dirt devil today. Not intentionally, it just blew up on me and swirled me around a bit. It feels like those blower dryers in gas stations. Hot and muggy and you feel dirtier afterwards. 

But the day did get extremely better. Since we were so hot, we managed to set off the sprinklers in the sky for a spontaneous and extremely quick shower. I saw a rainbow, so I know more rain will be coming soon and getting us out of this drought. That's my hope at least. 

I also managed to get all the furry animals in their stalls all by myself tonight! Kenzie has been giving us some issues, so Rob is leash training her around the animals to get her more acquainted with them. Late tomorrow night, the new cows should be coming. With the heat, my transporter and I decided overnight travel is best for them. I can't wait to meet them and welcome them home!