Monday, October 10, 2022

Calming of the Fiona

Two things have happened recently that has helped calm my fiery Fiona down. The first, is most notable Brogan. He has taught her gentleness. The second, Justin my farrier sprayed her with a different fly spray and those flies aren't as troublesome anymore. They still bother her eyes and snout, but that's better than her body where she's about chewed her fur off. 

The calmer Fiona is more relaxed and actually enjoyed being brushed and petted tonight. So much so that she didn't want anyone else to be brushed, only her. You know, I'll allow it for tonight. Anything to make her happy. She really is a sweet girl when she wants to be. 

In other news, I spoke with our builder today and he apologized the batter boards aren't up yet. He's going to raise a ruckus with his guys and get them out here tomorrow. I wasn't too worried as we're still waiting on plumbing anyway. I'm just glad he's as fired up to get this done as we are!