Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Lost Their Minds

Even though the full moon and then the harvest moon just passed, my animals decided tonight was the night to lose their minds. Patches and Fancy (the donkeys) charged the outer gate with Rob and made him put up a chase. Fiona was charging me before realizing that no, she actually wanted my help to corral Brogan in. Nutty full on head butted Rob in the stomach while the other goats scrambled in various directions. Enough!

I don't always use my "mom" voice, but tonight I did. I got all the animals, except for Nutty, in with only my voice and stem look. Flora got extra cuddles from me because she was the only one who didn't act like a fool. The treats are going away for awhile and this mama is going to start carrying a rope. Do I know how to use a rope? Nope, but they don't know that!

Foundation perimeter and trenches dug today!