Thursday, July 4, 2024

Independence Day

Rob and I were basically sloths today. We did swim and of course took care of the animals, but that was about it. It felt good at the time, but now I feel overly drained from the heat. 

I've got two days left and then I'm removing some stuff from my plate. I've gotten the Farmer's Market going, so other than some maintenance, tomorrow should be the last day I've got to be more hands on. Then Saturday is the big city event which I've helped more than I thought I would. Once that's over, the city can run itself. 

That leaves me a day of rest on Sunday before I focus solely on the Chamber and Theater. There's still tons to do with both, but I've got helpers! 

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Ewe Like Me

Every night, I've been spending a little time with the ewes for them to get used to me. As much as it goes against my desire to run in and grab them and love them, I am being calm and letting them warm up to me. It's working! 

Yesterday, they both came up to me about a foot away and Ewenique even smelled my hand. But today, we hit pay dirt. Y'all, they ate from my hand! At the same time!!!!  Then Ewenique even rubbed her head against the back of my hand. They are so soft and even if it's a thousand degrees outside, I will still happily accept them cuddled up in my arms if they let me. 

Happy Independence Day for everyone tomorrow! 

It was like this, but out of my hand

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Still Joy

Keeping animals is difficult. When you lose one, it's heartbreaking, but you just keep going. All the joy they bring is worth the heartache. 

Case in point, I got all sorts of special moments today. Fudge ran up to me for petting and still let me pick him up. He's getting heavy now, so I usually don't. But he let me cuddle him and he cuddled back. Ewenique came up to me and sniffed my fingers allowing me the barest of chin scratches. Flora tried to cuddle me while I was in the mule, she actually got her horn stuck and she let me calmly help her out. And sweet soon to be Mom Maesie let me give her a full body light massage. Hey, I remember when I was pregnant, massages are great! 

We think it was bloat that got to Coorie. So today, we picked up some bloat blocks (I don't know what they're actually called, but they're blocks they lick to reduce the chance of bloat). There was a literal line of cows waiting to take their turn at the block. We bought two, but decided to start with one. Here's hoping for a lot more special moments ahead! 

The mural at our lakehouse

Monday, July 1, 2024


Our sweet Coorie, which means hug in Scottish Gaelic, somehow passed away today. We don't know what happened. I feel so bad I wasn't there for her. 

Yesterday she was fine and there are no visible marks on her. It hurts my heart, I love all my animals but she was such a sweetheart. She was getting to be just as sweet as Flora. 

May you rest easy sweet girl and know you were very much loved.