Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Blowouts & Flats

What they never talk about and what needs to be stressed to anyone considering moving to the country, budget yourself for flat tires! The number of flats and blowouts the vehicles, trailers and even zero turn mower have had reaches in the dozens in three short years. Today, it was a blowout on the trailer when picking up the spent grain. These tires were only two months old! 

Granted, a lot of the issues stem from the mesquite thorns littering the farm, but the pathways have been cleared for awhile now. Could it be because of the unusual heat Texas has been having? I don't know. All I do know is the one local business I give the most money to in my small town is the tire shop. They deserve it, I just wish I wasn't so generous. 

That's the excitement for today. Tomorrow is another day.