Monday, October 14, 2024


Most things in life are beyond our control, but I try to focus on what I can control and go from there. I make my lists (in my mind) and systemically work through them. A lot of stuff has been going by the wayside with the farm and it was time to bring that back into focus. 

I'm only talking about the farm in general, mind you. Y'all know my animals are well taken care of, but that's not everything the farm entails. There is prepping for winter (which I still wonder if we're going to get even close this year to freezing temps), getting all the vehicles/trailers serviced and up to date, clearing out waste of all types, and more. Then there's planning on projects for whenever Gator has time. 

But I always find time to play with my animals. The newborn kids got their snuggles and didn't fuss at all! Callie is not only allowing me to pet and brush her, but she's starting to play with me, too. And Rory is learning that I'm just always going to take pics of him. 

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