Monday, October 21, 2024

Pups and the Pasture Pup

Today's objective was to get the pups brushed and bathed. Tootsie Roll was the hardest to brush, her hair takes to burrs like nothing I've ever seen before. Teddy Bear was easier than Tootsie, but he still had a lot of burrs as well. Reggie and Kenzie were exempt from the brushing as they stay burr free. 

Then shower time. Tootsie takes awhile with her thick coat, however she's calm during the process. Teddy was next and he actually did great. Best of all though was Reggie. I just called him and he walked right into the shower, got all lathered up and rinsed and he was done. Kenzie got a bath last week so she didn't have to today. Now there are fluffy and clean pups. For today at least. 

Before I sign off though, I wanted to share a victory with Rory. While everyone else was eating, I sat down by him to get him used to me. After about ten minutes he finally sniffed my hand! Twice! That's way ahead of schedule with socializing them. Either I'm getting better at it or Rory is just advanced. Or both!