Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Rory Bear

I'm just constantly tickled by Rory. He is so much like his father, Brogan, from that age. Well, in the looks department and some of the dopey facial expressions at least. 

So up until today, Rory would get brave enough to touch my hands with his snout before getting skittish. Tonight though, he finally licked a cattle cube from my hand! He still hasn't eaten his first cube even by himself, so this was great. I could try softer foods, but then I worry about the other cows intruding on our bonding moment. My cows are greedy. 

I'm patiently waiting for more art supplies to be delivered, so today I began an introduction on sketching. Where the light comes into play is one of my many challenges, but I've got nothing but time to try. 

The lighting was bad, but I love his dopey looks