Monday, November 28, 2022

Round & Round

Do you know what happens when you live on a farm heavily infested with mesquite? You get flat tires. Lots of them. Luckily, we found a local guy who is going to help us out. With our tires, that is. 

Our town has less than one thousand people, but I've found that most of the people who live here are quite skilled. Gator with metal, David with electrical and plumbing, Jaime with concrete, and now Bruce with tires. Poor Bobby Sue, our tractor, needs a fix on a flat and Bruce is picking up the tire, taking it to his shop, and putting it back on for us. He's also one of our volunteer firemen, so a great guy to know!

Do you know how many people we knew who did things where we used to live? None. We were just outside the city, but couldn't find anyone to come out and do work, let alone good work. Here, everyone knows someone who does what you need. I'm claiming the highland cattle knowledge as I'm the only one who has any here! 🤣

This was over the weekend, you wouldn't know there was a hill past the tree with all the fog and mist 

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Worth Waiting

Last week, it was overcast and rainy every single weekday. Saturday, the rain stopped, but the wind was blowing strong. Finally today was a beautiful, sunny, perfect day! It was worth waiting for. 

We are grateful for the rain and are hopeful it helped the area. Drought was becoming a big concern before we got these 3-5 inches. We don't have a rain gauge yet, so I'm using the numbers from the news. It felt like a lot, that's all I know. 

I also did some figuring this weekend, and the earliest my does will kid is January 20th. I doubt anyone but possibly Cocoa will deliver in January, but I'm sure getting excited! All the animals were so happy with the weather today and all let me love on them. If my barndo doesn't get built soon, I might just make the animal's barn my home. I'm even getting used to the smell! 

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving 2022

He thinks I forgot him in yesterday's blog, but really I was saving him for today because he's special. Rob, I'm so thankful for you. You go along with my crazy schemes and now share my love of livestock which you didn't think was possible. You're an excellent mother hen to all our chickens, an excellent provider for all of us, and best non-furry animal (human) I know. Happy Thanksgiving Rob, I'll weather any storm with you. 

PS I say the last long because we're getting pummeled by rain. 

Looks like I'm getting a swimming pool in addition to the barndo!

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Fur Really Thankful

For our first Thanksgiving on the farm, I want to say how truly thankful I am. I'm thankful for the land, my animals, the friends I've met and the community that has welcomed us. 

I'm thankful to you (my readers), my parents, Senior, Ali & Gator, David, Justin, Curtis, Jaime, Albert, and others who have helped develop this farm. I'm thankful for all my animals: Reggie, Kenzie, Flurry, Mango, Scotchie, Cocoa, Sundae, Cookie Doe, S'mores, Sugar, Spice, Caramel, Nutty, Patches, Fancy, Fiona, Fergus (rest in peace), Flora, Brogan, all the quail we lost and all the chickens we've managed to keep alive (10 for 10 there). Without my furry babies, I wouldn't have survived this RV living. 

Lastly, I'm thankful for continuing adventures in life one day at a time. There's always something to learn, a smile to give, and a memory to make. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Tuesday, November 22, 2022


I'm getting so excited watching my girls fill out with their pregnancies! Judging from their sizes, Cocoa was impregnated first, Scotchie second, and Sundae third. I could be totally wrong on the order, but those three are definitely showing. 

The other girls are a little more difficult to tell yet. I thought S'mores could be, but then she slimmed down and I realized it was her winter puffer effect Caramel must have taught her. She could still be pregnant, just not showing yet. I keep trying to look more closely, but Nutty tends to get in the way. Nutty is aptly named, that's all I can say. 

Also, we picked up the hay today and learned some premium alfalfa is coming in the hay rolls next week from Colorado. Rob and I are going to figure out if we can manage it, that would keep us set for awhile!

My pregnant Sundae 🥰

Monday, November 21, 2022

Don't Be Hayful

If the feeder ever runs out of hay, don't worry, Fiona will be the first to tell you. I have never met an animal with as demanding a personality as her. Tonight, she literally herded me to where I keep her oats. When I opened it, she bulldozed her head into it like a deserted man would come upon an oasis. After she gulped down a couple of mouthfuls, she then allowed me to dish out the remainder of their evening share as she casually went into her stall. Yes, Fiona is in charge. It works best that way. 

What's cute, is Brogan then started mooing for his milk. He saw how Fiona got prompt attention, and he wanted the same treatment. Sorry kiddo, you have to wait your turn as normal. Hopefully by the time you get to be her size, you won't be as demanding!

Sweet Flora and all the others were gentle and patient. Maybe because with the weather they haven't moved much, but I'll take it!

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Wintery Weather

Let me preface this by saying, I'm not complaining! This weekend, we've been under wintery weather. Rain, sleet, light snow, we got a little of everything. Other than doing the barest minimum for our animals, we've stayed indoors. That comes with it's own challenges. 

Thursday night/Friday morning, I woke up to my nose and cheeks absolutely freezing, while I was wrapped in the biggest bundle of blankets and animals possible. Yep, we ran out of propane!  It was only for a couple of hours, no big deal. We got the tanks refilled and were back in action. 

Tonight though, we found out Senior's tank is bone dry of propane. Despite our warnings, he used up his massive tank in just a tad over a week. So, we're about to head to Walmart and get him some space heaters. He refuses to spend the night in a hotel. At least, my Highlands have been loving the weather! Each time it started to rain, they came out to stand in it. They look like drowned rats, but after how much they suffered with the summer heat, they deserve this!

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Land Lease

It had been forgotten for awhile, but Gator is serious about wanting to lease some of our land. We talked through some terms today and scouted out the area he wants, and now Rob and I are going to discuss it. We want the land to be used and we don't mind helping him out, but for those who know me, I always like to make deals. There's probably a disorder for my compulsion to do that, but you never know unless you ask, right?

In other news, the front fence is essentially done. There's a couple of panels that need a little more welding to make it ultra secure, but they are up and the pups are free once again! We also have a wash out area that Gator and I discussed making it secure for animals, but allowing water and small debris to go through. Kinda like a grate, but vertical. 

I also talked with our builder and the metal should arrive next week! Yes, Thanksgiving week. I will be so very thankful for that!

Flora and Brogan deciding laying down by the hay was much more convenient for when they get hungry again

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

All Alone

You know, all of our animals get along for the most part. True, Fiona gets a little testy when hungry, but then so do I. Patches may get a little horsey at times, but she is part horse. For the most part, they all live together beautifully. But then, there's Nutty. 

As we've never had a goat in rut before, we truly don't know if his erratic behavior is normal or not. He'll love you one moment then try to bash his horns into you the next. All of us, the animals and Rob and I, stay on our toes around him. That's why it didn't surprise me tonight when zero of the female goats wanted to go into the stall with him at first. I get it girls, hang in there! 

At least, we've learned one way to calm him. We give him alfalfa with his feed. The girls get it, too, but he gets his own portion. This somehow makes him focused on eating and then he goes to sleep. Don't worry Cocoa, Scotchie, Sundae, Cookie Doe, S'mores, Sugar, Spice and Caramel, we'll always give him alfalfa!

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Side Note

While this blog is about our farm, sometimes it will bleed over into our personal lives as well. After all, we are the farm. While I would love to spend all the time with my animals doing all the things, I'm also a caretaker to my elderly father in law. It's trying at the best of times. Today, it's been a bit much. 

He suffers from dementia which causes a fog over certain thinking skills and memories. Somehow today, he lost one lens of his glasses, but I only realized it after we'd been to various parts of town. He didn't even realize it was missing and therefore, there's no telling how long he's been missing that lens. We immediately went to the eye doctor and not only ordered replacement lenses for his current glasses, but also new glasses as well. Trust me, we've dealt enough with these glasses. 

Anyhow, the poor animals didn't get to eat until late. They weren't happy, we're not exactly happy, but that's life. Here's hoping tomorrow we all see clearly and I can share happy farm moments instead!

Monday, November 14, 2022

Musical Stalls?

We had to take a road trip today to handle some stuff for the farm. As it was lightly raining when we left, and weather reports said the rain would clear, we thought everything would be good at the farm. Little did we know the animals decided to play a game. 

Shortly after we got back, we heard Fancy hawing her head off and we couldn't find Brogan. After slopping through the mud and muck, we found both in the barn. Not where we thought either of them would be though. 

Fancy was literally locked in the goat stall by the goats laying in front of the stall door. Brogan was locked in the donkey stall as that door is built differently and he couldn't get out. You'd think we had placed both of them in an isolation cell in prison the way they were upset! Once freed and mollified, they quickly forgot why they were ever upset. Always fun on the farm!

Sunday, November 13, 2022

More Fur Please

At Fur Real Farms, we love all the animals with fur. With our frigid cold snap, those animals appreciate their fur, too. In fact, cute story about our tiniest goat, Caramel. 

Caramel is a dwarf Nigerian goat with a great emphasis on the word dwarf. She stands half the size of the other goats and normally cannot easily be found in the herd due to her size. Well yesterday, as the weather had died below freezing, we learned she may also be part pufferfish as she ballooned up with every individual hair of her fur as outreaching as possible. No, I didn't get a pic, but sometimes the imagination used is even better. 

Today it warmed up some and she deflated a bit. I think for her, I'll be pulling out the pajamas during these cold snaps. And yes, then I'll get a pic!

Our sunset this evening. So cool!

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Slabby Dabby Do

The slab for our foundation was poured today! At 3:30am, spotlights came on and trucks rolled in, it was like waking up to the close encounters of the third kind. By noon, they were done!

It looks beautiful. All nice and smooth and shiny. While many have suggested we do a stained concrete floor, we're holding to our decision for wood vinyl laminate flooring. There are pros and cons to both styles, but the flooring style we're choosing fits our lifestyle best. You'll see once we get to that point. 

For now, enjoy our beautiful slab and in a few short weeks, the metal is coming!!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Silent Hills

The last few mornings and evenings, we've been having tons of fog. In the morning, it's peaceful. In the evening, it's somewhat spooky. It could also be because of the full moon in the evenings bringing all the creatures out. It's an intermittent, "what's that sound?" thing going on. 

Regardless, my animals are loving the weather. Did you know donkeys roll around in the dirt not only because of flies, but also because they're happy? It's so cute to watch them and then Reggie do it. Two donkeys and a dog about the size of the donkeys all rolling around in dirt and mud. It's not clean fun, but it's fun nonetheless. 

The cows and the goats are also still loving the flakes of alfalfa we give them each night. Honestly, it's the only thing that calms Nutty down!

Kenzie doesn't roll in the dirt much, but she enjoys watching the others

Monday, November 7, 2022

Rainy Sun & Sunny Rain

Every ten minutes around here was something different. Quick storms, quick sun, a mixture of both, all in all adventurous and unpredictable. It was tiring somehow. 

I took a nap, Rob took a nap, and Senior most likely did as well. I've been told the concrete is coming to be poured at 4am Wednesday. I asked three times if my builder was telling me the truth and he assured me he was. So it looks like it was good I got some extra sleep today!

Not much else to report for this murky Monday. Here's to a more energetic Tuesday!

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Roll Back

The older I get, the less I enjoy the twice annual time changes each year. This is our first fall at the farm and honestly, we didn't know what to do with the animals and their feeding. Some people said to just feed them whenever, others said to slowly start switching the time, we chose to go by the daylight. It worked for most of them. The cows were ready, most of the goats were ready, and Patches was ready. Good enough. 

So, one thing that has been helpful, is we've introduced alfalfa to everyone except the donkeys. It's too rich for them, but all the others absolutely love it. The donkeys would love it too, but I'm keeping them healthy. This helps the troublemakers get into their stalls quicker and the nighttime feeding so much more enjoyable. 

As for the rest of the farm, the fence was worked on some and the shed was worked on some. I'm hoping both get done here soon for both the pups and colder weather!

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Stars At Night

Figured I'd use this blog to talk about the friends of the night sky non-profit group Rob and I joined. While we don't live in the darkest of skies, we are fortunate to see more than we used to since moving to the country. When we went to the winery a few weekends ago, it was for a stars event party and that's where we learned what they're trying to do. 

Basically, it's cutting out light pollution. If you don't need a light on outside, turn it off. If you do need one, there are better bulbs and directions of those bulbs to use to cut down the ambient light. Now why should this matter? Besides being able to see the stars better, it's also to benefit all living creatures. We all have circadian rhythms with daylight and darkness. Too much light for us affects our sleep. Too much light for deer affects their antler growth. Too much light for bugs attracts them and their predators to the lit areas. There's more, but you get the idea. 

So now, I'm the online person for the group. I'm responsible for the website, Facebook and Instagram accounts. It's easy for me and let's me help in a way I'm comfortable with. Remember everyone, stars up and lights down!

I don't have a camera for the job and stars, sorry

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Losing Pressure

We seem to have created an issue lately. Due to all the mesquite thorny bushes we have, tires are getting punctured around here. First a tractor tire on Bobby Sue, them a tire on the mule, and lastly, the plumbers work van as soon as they rolled up to fix the issues. I think the van though was caused by something else prior to them arriving here, but they had to take care of that as soon as they got here. 

It's ok, they came back and finished it up. While we were in town, some magical fairy dropped off rebar at the barndo, so it looks like pouring is right around the corner!

This is somewhat about the farm, but Rob and I went to our first meeting for the Friends of the Night Sky for our county. We love the dark skies and have decided we want to help keep them dark around here. I'll write more about that later, but thought I'd mention a bit now. Stars up lights down!

Tuesday, November 1, 2022


Done people have joked with me about my fencing and the amounts of it I've had done. It's all for my animals and their safety, and today Rob showed me my overprotective nature is justified. 

This morning, as he was walking the dogs, he came across what was left of a deer. By this evening, when he showed me, all that remained was the skull attached to the spine and a few ribs picked clean. I wouldn't have thought it was a deer as it was a small skull and spine, but Rob said a hoof with the fur was there that morning when he first saw it. This is why I'm adamant about fences as I don't want any of my animals to become prey. 

Speaking of the fence, Gator is doing his best to get the front fence up by this weekend. His plan is to get it all spot welded by then so our dogs can run freely. Then next week, he will come back and fortify it. This is why we love Gator, he knows how much the animals mean to Rob and me.