Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Silent Hills

The last few mornings and evenings, we've been having tons of fog. In the morning, it's peaceful. In the evening, it's somewhat spooky. It could also be because of the full moon in the evenings bringing all the creatures out. It's an intermittent, "what's that sound?" thing going on. 

Regardless, my animals are loving the weather. Did you know donkeys roll around in the dirt not only because of flies, but also because they're happy? It's so cute to watch them and then Reggie do it. Two donkeys and a dog about the size of the donkeys all rolling around in dirt and mud. It's not clean fun, but it's fun nonetheless. 

The cows and the goats are also still loving the flakes of alfalfa we give them each night. Honestly, it's the only thing that calms Nutty down!

Kenzie doesn't roll in the dirt much, but she enjoys watching the others