Monday, November 28, 2022

Round & Round

Do you know what happens when you live on a farm heavily infested with mesquite? You get flat tires. Lots of them. Luckily, we found a local guy who is going to help us out. With our tires, that is. 

Our town has less than one thousand people, but I've found that most of the people who live here are quite skilled. Gator with metal, David with electrical and plumbing, Jaime with concrete, and now Bruce with tires. Poor Bobby Sue, our tractor, needs a fix on a flat and Bruce is picking up the tire, taking it to his shop, and putting it back on for us. He's also one of our volunteer firemen, so a great guy to know!

Do you know how many people we knew who did things where we used to live? None. We were just outside the city, but couldn't find anyone to come out and do work, let alone good work. Here, everyone knows someone who does what you need. I'm claiming the highland cattle knowledge as I'm the only one who has any here! 🤣

This was over the weekend, you wouldn't know there was a hill past the tree with all the fog and mist