Sunday, November 20, 2022

Wintery Weather

Let me preface this by saying, I'm not complaining! This weekend, we've been under wintery weather. Rain, sleet, light snow, we got a little of everything. Other than doing the barest minimum for our animals, we've stayed indoors. That comes with it's own challenges. 

Thursday night/Friday morning, I woke up to my nose and cheeks absolutely freezing, while I was wrapped in the biggest bundle of blankets and animals possible. Yep, we ran out of propane!  It was only for a couple of hours, no big deal. We got the tanks refilled and were back in action. 

Tonight though, we found out Senior's tank is bone dry of propane. Despite our warnings, he used up his massive tank in just a tad over a week. So, we're about to head to Walmart and get him some space heaters. He refuses to spend the night in a hotel. At least, my Highlands have been loving the weather! Each time it started to rain, they came out to stand in it. They look like drowned rats, but after how much they suffered with the summer heat, they deserve this!